Information about Threats in Saints Row, including when Threats can be completed, how to clear Threats, and what rewards you get for dealing with Threats.
(1 of 2) Establish new criminal Ventures on the Empire Map,
Establish new criminal Ventures on the Empire Map, (left), and Threats will spawn in the region where the Venture was established. (right)
How to Unlock Threats in Saints Row¶
At the end of the Mission Networking, you’ll be tasked with establishing your first criminal Venture… well, technically your second, but JimRob’s doesn’t count. Anyways, which Venture you establish doesn’t matter, once you start your first Venture (you’ll travel there automatically, where you’ll be introduced to that Venture’s gameplay via cutscene) the region where you established your Venture will be populated with Threats. This will also retroactively spawn Threats in the region where JimRob’s is located, and every time you establish a new Venture in a region, Threats will appear there, as well.
(1 of 2) What you have to do to eliminate a Threat varies, but it generally involves either killing rival gangers,
What you have to do to eliminate a Threat varies, but it generally involves either killing rival gangers, (left), or destroying police or gang vehicles. (right)
How to Complete Threats in Saints Row¶
Threats replace the old “Gang Activity” events in Saints Row the Third, and while Threats are more diverse in objective, they almost always require something to be destroyed. Threats generally come in four varieties:
Panteros Muscle/Idols Vandals/Defeat Enemies: Some Threats will just require you to storm in and eliminate a group of gang members (similar to the @TCHA Side Hustles, just defeat all the marked enemies - the enemy can and will summon reinforcements, but they don’t count towards completion). The exact name of these Threats vary by controlling faction, but their objectives are the same.
Idols Stash: Similar to the above, but you may have to locate the stash of a rival gang. It’ll be inside a building, so seek out a door and when you approach it the enemy will turn hostile and you’ll gain Notoriety. All you have to do is survive for around two minutes until the timer counts down, at which point your Notoriety will be cleared and this Threat will be removed. These Threats usually spawn in Idols territory.
Panteros Cars: These Threats require you to locate and destroy several faction vehicles (especially popular with the Panteros). You will, of course, be opposed by enemies during this, and you’ll have a search area to comb over in search of these vehicles.
Destroy the Security Drones: There are several drones flying around the area, and you have to hunt them down and destroy them. The drones themselves aren’t dangerous, but when you enter the search area you’ll likely gain Notoriety, which will make the process of hunting the drones down more difficult. Once all the drones are destroyed your Notoriety will be cleared. These Threats usually spawn in Marshall territory.
Police Surveillance: Similar to the above, save you only have one vehicle to find, and you won’t have anybody shooting at you while you look. Scour the search area for a police van (the communications equipment on the roof kind of gives it away, but it’ll be replaced by an icon when you get near it if the satellite dish was too subtle). Attacking the police surveillance van will net you level 3 police Notoriety, but they shouldn’t be able to stop you before you destroy their vehicle.
Each region with a Venture will spawn five Threats, and each Threat eliminated will increase that Venture’s income by 20%, clear all five Threats in a region and you’ve doubled the hourly income of that region’s Venture. You’ll also gain XP for clearing each Threat, in addition to what you get from combat itself. Suffice to say, clearing Threats can be incredibly lucrative.
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