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Saint's Row

All Discoveries in Rojas Desert North

Nathan Garvin
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This page provides information about the locations of all the Discoveries in the Rojas Desert North region in Saints Row.

Discoveries are a variety of open world collectibles and activities you can seek out for minor cash and XP rewards. Finding and completing all Discoveries in a region counts towards that region’s completion for the purposes of achievements/trophies, but unlike Threats they won’t contribute to how profitable your Ventures are.

A map of all the Discoveries in the Rojas Desert North region.

In Rojas Desert North you will find the following Discoveries:

All Drug Pallets in Rojas Desert North

Drug Pallet Pickups are pretty simple treasure hunts - seek out stacks of drugs lying around (usually - but not always - on rooftops or other elevated areas) and grab your prize to earn some cash and XP. Most of these can be reached by jumping and climbing, but you can always commandeer a helicopter or other flying vehicle to make this even easier. Drug Pallets usually come in groups of three or four. In Rojas Desert North there are four groups of three Drug Pallets:

  • In the southwestern corner of the region, near the Snake Oil Saloon Sign Photo Hunt.

  • Along the northwestern corner of the region, near a rail bridge.

  • Just southwest of the center of the region, near a lake where a Lost Wheels is located.

  • Along the northeastern corner of the region, near a bridge spanning a lake.

Check out the provided map to find their locations.

You can fish the Recycler SMG out of a dumpster near the Thunderpump gas station.

All Dumpster Dive Locations in Rojas Desert North

There’s one lone Dumpster Dive in Rojas Desert North, and it can be found behind a gas station along the south-center of the map, just east of the Thunderpump Sign Photo Hunt. It’s a fairly noteworthy Dumpster Dive, however, as you’ll find the Recycler SMG visual mod here, which you can use to make every SMG look like… well, trash.

You can find a whopping eight Lost Wheels in Rojas Desert North, including all five parts of the Frying Dutchman vehicle.

All Lost Wheels Locations in Rojas Desert North

Being a desert region, the Rojas Desert North is home to just over a quarter of the game’s Lost Wheels, metal pinwheels strewn throughout the badlands. The best way to find these is to fly around looking for motes of light in the distance, which will guide you to these pinwheels (and Weather Stations, for that matter). Many of these Discoveries - especially in Rojas Desert North - are in elevated places which are difficult or outright impossible to reach on foot. That being the case, we suggest hunting them (and all desert-bound Discoveries, really) with the aid of a helicopter. Their locations and contents are as follows:

  • Dual Nitrous Injectors ([Bones of Kavanagh County]): Just southwest of the center of the region, near a lake lined with three Drug Pallets.

  • Crutches ([A Bike Wrapped in Mystery]): Near the western end of the region, just northeast of the Bored Clerks Shooting Gallery.

  • Oversized, Heavy-Duty Tires ([Bones of Kavanagh County]): Along the northwestern corner of the region, overlooking a rail bridge.

  • Ship’s Helm (Ghost of the Frying Dutchman): Near the Sky Canyon Hidden History Discovery just north of the center of the map. Ascend some stairs to reach an elevated scenic overlook complete with shelters, rails and helipads. This Lost Wheel is off the walkway on the mesa.

  • Main Mast (Ghost of the Frying Dutchman): On a rocky outcropping overlooking the road southwest of the Bison Memorial Photo Hunt.

  • Gunpowder Cannons (Ghost of the Frying Dutchman): Along the northeastern corner of the area, north of a highway northeast of the Bison Memorial Photo Hunt.

  • Wooden Hull (Ghost of the Frying Dutchman): Along the northeastern corner of the region, on a mesa that has to be reached by air. You’ll find this Lost Wheel southeast of the Kavanagh County Park Service shop.

  • Fryer of the Deep (Ghost of the Frying Dutchman): Along the northeastern end of the region, near a lake east of the highway northeast of the Bison Memorial Photo Hunt.

All Weather Stations in Rojas Desert North

Interact with these to propel yourself into the sky. They are automatically completed upon discovery, and really only assist with traversal.

Check out the provided map to find their locations.

The Snake Oil Saloon’s sign can be found near the outskirts of Santo Ileso, along the southwestern end of the area.

How to Find and Complete the Snake Oil Saloon Sign Photo Hunt

Search the southwestern end of the region to find the Snake Oil Saloon near the edge of the city limits. Its iconic snake sign - the target of this Photo Hunt - is just up the road to the northeast of the saloon.

Snap a photo of the iconic Thunderpump gas station sign.

How to Find and Complete the Thunderpump Sign Photo Hunt

From the Snake Oil Saloon (see above) follow the road northeast until you find a Thunderpump gas station. The iconic Thunderpump lightning bolt sign is along the edge of the road, in front of the gas station. Note that you can find this region’s sole Dumpster Dive Discovery behind this gas station - it’ll yield the Recycler SMG when searched.

The Bison Memorial is inoffensively tucked out of the way at an elevated parking lot overlooking the road east of the center of the region.

How to Find and Complete the Bison Memorial Photo Hunt

From the Thunderpump gas station (see above) follow the road northeast and north. When it forks, continue northeast and when it forks again continue east. Keep your eye to the right (south) and when you spot some railing, head up to the parking lot the railing encloses. In this parking lot you’ll find some Idols - ignore them and find a bison statue along the northern end of the parking lot, near the railing. Snap a photo of it to complete this Photo Hunt.

(1 of 5) Activate the large board in the center of the search area,

How to Find and complete the Sky Canyon Hidden History

Kavanagh County has established two Hidden History sites in this region for your enlightenment, both located northwest of the center of the region. The Sky Canyon Hidden History is the southeastern of the two Hidden History discoveries, and its signs can be found on a slope leading up to the top of a mesa (this same mesa is topped by walkways and helipads, and it’s where you can find the Ship’s Helm Lost Wheel):

  • The site’s large board can be found in the center of the search area, right of the trail leading up to the mesa.

  • From the large board, turn south and follow the trail downhill until you reach a fork. Head down the left path and follow it until you pass under an arch. The sign you’re looking for is along some stonework to the right.

  • From the large board, turn south and follow the trail downhill until you reach a fork. Follow the right path until you reach a parking lot. You’ll find this sign along the edge of a fountain.

  • From the large board, turn north and follow the trail uphill. Make your way uphill through the canyon and keep your eyes to the right, where you’ll eventually find this sign just beyond the rope barrier along the trail.

  • From the last sign, face the opposite direction (west) and go down some stairs to reach a scenic overlook platform. You’ll find this sign along the edge, near the railing.

(1 of 5) Hit the large board in the middle of the search area,

How to Find and complete the Sidewinder Creek Hidden History

The second of Kavanagh County’s two Hidden History Discoveries, the one at Sidewinder Creek is located northwest of the Sky Canyon Hidden History, across a creek… presumably the creek this HIdden History event is named after. You might actually want to listen to this one, as the monotone narrator is decidedly insubordinate and taciturn this time around. The signs can be found at the following locations:

  • The site’s large board can be found in the center of the search area, along the edge of a pavilion near a parking lot.

  • In the same area as the large board (see above), head to the northern end of the same parking lot to find a second pavilion. This sign can be found underneath it.

  • South from the previous sign (see above), in the same parking lot as the large board and the pavilion sign. You’ll find this one out in the open, near a railing overlooking the creek.

  • From the large board at the edge of the pavilion in the parking lot turn around and you should see a large boulder in the distance (southwest). Head over to it and search its eastern side to find this sign.

  • From the previous sign turn around and face south to spot a flag pole - one of three found along the railing here. Us Americans forget where we are often, which is why we need so many flags to reminds us. Anywho, the final sign near the flag pole, along the northern end of the search area.

(1 of 3) While not too difficult, the Bored Clerks Shooting Gallery does feature some highly obscured targets.

How to Find and Complete the Bored Clerks Shooting Gallery in Rojas Desert North

One of the two Shooting Galleries in the Rojas Desert North, you’ll find the Bored Clerks Shooting Gallery near an otherwise nondescript gas station along the western edge of the region.

This is a fairly easy shooting gallery, facing the gas station head to the right side of the building to get around to the back, slipping past some parked semi-trailers. All your targets are standard humanoid yellow and orange on black target boards, with the notable feature of this Shooting Gallery being the tendency for some of these targets to be obscured behind various objects - pallets, dumpsters, and one with only the head visible behind a lift.

There are nine of these targets on the ground, after which you’ll need to climb a dumpster to reach the roof, where five more targets can be found. The final target is on the roof over the gas pumps - just face east while on the gas station’s roof and you shouldn’t have trouble spotting it.

You’ll obtain the [MDI-36 Tac Pistol], New Weapon Patterns, 1,200 XP and $4,000 for completing this Discovery.

For more details, check out the Bored Clerks Shooting Gallery page for a target-by-target walkthrough.

(1 of 2) A full third of the targets at the Twin Coyote Shooting Gallery are smaller black-and-white targets, although few of the targets are all that well hidden.

A full third of the targets at the Twin Coyote Shooting Gallery are smaller black-and-white targets, although few of the targets are all that well hidden. (left), After rooting out a dozen targets on the ground, climb a shipping container to find the last few, including a black-and-white bird target near a weathervane. (right)

How to Find and Complete the Twin Coyote Shooting Gallery in Rojas Desert North

The second of the two Shooting Galleries in Rojas Desert North, you’ll find this Shooting Gallery behind the Twin Coyote Arcade - the Twin Coyote Fast Travel is out front and the Twin Coyote Arcade shop is just a stone’s throw away, so it should be trivial to locate this Discovery.

As for completing this Shooting Gallery, it’s not too difficult. All your targets are in an enclosed area behind the arcade building, just head northeast from the trailer-shop that’ll sell you clothes to reach it. The targets in this Shooting Gallery are densely packed and many of them are hidden in alcoves, so be sure to check every nook and cranny. Most of your targets will be the standard yellow-and-orange on black humanoid targets, but there are five smaller black-and-white targets as well (four wolves and a bird). That said, most of the targets aren’t obscured, so you’ll constantly find yourself shooting at most or all of them. Once you destroy the twelve targets on the ground, climb a shipping container to find two more humanoids and work your way across and up to a tower with a weathervane, where you’ll find the final target - a white-and-black bird.

You’ll obtain the Star God Blaster visual mod, 1,200 XP and $4,000 for completing this Discovery.

For more details, check out the Twin Coyote Shooting Gallery page for a target-by-target walkthrough.

Take a picture of the Twin Coyote statues to unlock this Fast Travel.

How to Find and Complete the Twin Coyote Fast Travel

Make your way to the southeastern corner of this region, where you’ll find the Twin Coyote Arcade. Nearby this arcade building you’ll find a clothing shop operating out of a trailer by the same name and the Twin Coyote Shooting Gallery out back. More importantly, in front of the arcade building and parking lot you’ll find two metal sculptures of bipedal coyotes enjoying a game of… Space Invader?

This statue serves as both the Fast Travel objective and the Metal Coyote Large Collectible. If you take a picture from the northwest you’ll unlock this Fast Travel, if you take a photo from the southeast you’ll unlock the Collectible.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    21 August 2022
  • Last Updated
    24 September 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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