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Saint's Row

All Discoveries in Rojas Desert South

Nathan Garvin
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This page provides information about the locations of all the Discoveries in the Rojas Desert South region in Saints Row.

Discoveries are a variety of open world collectibles and activities you can seek out for minor cash and XP rewards. Finding and completing all Discoveries in a region counts towards that region’s completion for the purposes of achievements/trophies, but unlike Threats they won’t contribute to how profitable your Ventures are.

A map of all the Discoveries in the Rojas Desert South region.

In Rojas Desert South you will find the following Discoveries:

All Drug Pallets in Rojas Desert South

Drug Pallet Pickups are pretty simple treasure hunts - seek out stacks of drugs lying around (usually - but not always - on rooftops or other elevated areas) and grab your prize to earn some cash and XP. Most of these can be reached by jumping and climbing, but you can always commandeer a helicopter or other flying vehicle to make this even easier. Drug Pallets usually come in groups of three or four. In Rojas Desert South there are three groups of three Drug Pallets:

  • Along the road leading to the Cranston Dam in the southwestern corner of the Rojas Desert South region. You’ll find them strewn along the railroad tracks running under the road.

  • Near the northern edge of the Rojas Desert South region, these Drug Pallets can be found near an old mining facility overlooking a marsh. One of the Drug Pallets is in the marsh, but the other two are located near and upon the mining facility - you’ll need to do some platforming to reach a deck overlooking the desert to score one of them.

  • A third trio of Drug Pallets can be found along the southeastern end of the Rojas Desert South region, along the western end of a lake. You’ll find this lake south of the Ringers shop.

Check out the provided map to find their locations.

You can find seven Lost Wheels in the Rojas Desert South region, including all five parts of the Lost Dust Buggy.

All Lost Wheels Locations in Rojas Desert South

Being a desert region, the Rojas Desert South is home to just under a quarter of the game’s Lost Wheels, metal pinwheels strewn throughout the badlands. The best way to find these is to fly around looking for motes of light in the distance, which will guide you to these pinwheels (and Weather Stations, for that matter). Many of these Discoveries - especially in Rojas Desert South - are in elevated places which are difficult or outright impossible to reach on foot. That being the case, we suggest hunting them (and all desert-bound Discoveries, really) with the aid of a helicopter. Their locations and contents are as follows:

  • Titanium Roll Cage: Along the southwestern end of the Rojas Desert South region you’ll find Cranston Dam, which should be easily identifiable on your map (the gray marker stretching off the boundary of the map does rather give it away). Make your way to the dam’s parking lot, descend some metal stairs, then head to the southern edge of the dam, to find this Lost Wheel alongside some metal fans.

  • Scuffed-up Rear Wheel:Along the southern end of the Rojas Desert South region, in the wilderness east of the Cranston Dam.

  • Reinforced Roll Cage: Just north of the center of the region you’ll find three Lost Wheels. This is the southeasternmost of the three, and it can be found just northwest of the Ringers shop. To reach this particular Lost Wheel, which is located along the base of an industrial winch, you’ll need to circle around to the northwestern end of a nearby building, climb up to the upper roof, then jump over to the winch.

  • Off-Road Tires: Just north of the center of the region you’ll find three Lost Wheels. This is the southwesternmost of the three, and it can be found just northwest of the Ringers shop. Search on top of some rocks overlooking a small lake to find this Lost Wheel.

  • Heavy Rear Coil Springs: Just north of the center of the region you’ll find three Lost Wheels. This is the northwesternmost of the three, due west of the Tombstone Angel Photo Hunt. This Lost Wheel can be found atop a rocky cliff looking out over the desert plains below, at the base of a much taller mesa. Despite its lofty perch, with some running and jumping you should have no trouble ascending the slope along the southeastern side.

  • Hotrod Engine: Along the northern end of the Rojas Desert South region are two Lost Wheels. This is the southern of the two, and it can be found atop a mesa across (northeast from) a derelict mining facility (there are a trio of Drug Pallets nearby this facility). You will need some wings to reach this mesa, but once you land you’ll likely find another helicopter waiting for you.

  • Yellow Racing Top: Along the northern end of the Rojas Desert South region are two Lost Wheels. This is the northern of the two, and can be found atop a mesa.

All Weather Stations in Rojas Desert South

Interact with these to propel yourself into the sky. They are automatically completed upon discovery, and really only assist with traversal.

Check out the provided map to find their locations.

An unmarked, neglected cemetery houses the Tombstone Angel - the subject of a Photo Hunt.

How to Find and Complete the Tombstone Angel Photo Hunt

The lone Photo Hunt in the Rojas Desert South region can be found just north of the center of the area, between to large lakes, northwest of the Ringers shop. There’s nothing else particularly close to it, nor are there markings indicating the location of the small, neglected cemetery where you’ll find the Tombstone Angel statue you seek.

(1 of 5) Seek out the large board in the center of the search area,

How to Find and Complete the Route 66 Hidden History

You can find one Hidden History site in Rojas Desert South, and it happens to be located at arguably the busiest spot in the region - near the Ringers shop in the southeastern corner of the area. The five signs can be found the aforementioned Ringers building, near the dinosaur-themed “Rock Shop” across the street, and near the Thunderpump gas station:

  • In the center of the search area, opposite the Ringers shop stand, you’ll find the large board in the parking lot of the Ringers store.

  • From the large board (see above), turn left (east) and head uphill towards the “TacosRus” shop - the massive sauropod on the roof with a taco in place of its spine should give it away. This sign is in front of the shop.

  • From the previous sign, cross the street to reach the “Kavanagh County Rock Shop”, which is even more dinosaur-themed than the TacosRus shop was. From the front of this building turn right (west) to find this sign, which is in front of a red sauropod.

  • From the previous sign, continue west a short distance until you reach grounds of the Thunderpump gas station. Follow the road west towards the Thunderpump sign (the two large yellow lightning bolts) and look out for this sign as you cross the second driveway into Thunderpump gas station. This sign is on the side of the driveway, near the twin Thunderpump bolts.

  • Cross the street to the south to return to the Ringers parking lot. Search for this sign between the red, white and blue Ringers building and the dingy mock church and saloon next door. This sign is just to the right of some fake horses.

(1 of 2) The standard targets are replaced by UFOs,

The standard targets are replaced by UFOs, (left), and aliens, some of which may be stashed in unusual places. (right)

How to Find and Complete the Abduction Site Shooting Gallery in Rojas Desert South

There’s only a single Shooting Gallery in the Rojas Desert South region, the [Abduction Site Shooting Gallery], which is located northeast of the Cranston Dam, in the southwestern end of the region.

This Shooting Gallery is entirely contained in a walled-off area northeast of Cranston Dam, with fifteen targets strewn around a large circular water tank. We suggest making your way to the eastern edge of this Shooting Gallery - there’s a gap in the wall near some shipping containers, which is where we suggest you start, as you can then work your way around the massive tank, picking off targets.

Speaking of these targets, these are fairly unusual targets, consisting of yellow-and-orange alien heads and black-and-white UFOs replacing the standard humanoid and animal targets seen at other Shooting Galleries. While somewhat smaller than the yellow-and-orange targets, these are still larger than the smallest of the black-and-white animal targets from other Shooting Galleries. There are a few tricky targets here, as many are tucked away in various areas, including an alien target in a concrete tube and a UFO target hidden on the ground under a shack to the south. There is, of course, also a UFO target atop the water tank, which you can reach by climbing some shipping containers.

You’ll obtain the Saints Lawgiver visual mod, New Weapon Patterns, 1,200 XP and $4,000 for completing this Discovery.

For more details, check out the [Abduction Site Shooting Gallery] page for a target-by-target walkthrough.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    21 August 2022
  • Last Updated
    24 September 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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