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Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth

Persona Compendium, Part 1

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a list of every single Sub-Persona in the game, including those only available via DLC. They are split according to the Arcana they belong to, and include their HP, SP, base level and skills they learn.

Fool Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Slime 1 39 11 Endure, Poisma, Buchikamashi, Restoring Touch, Rakunda
Legion 21 100 12 Restoring Touch, Assault Shot, Evil Slime, Rakunda, Null Paralysis
***Orpheus Telos*** 26 125 33 Flame Link, Golden Link, Healing Harp, Forked Spear, Absorb Fire, Return from Yomi, Fire Amp, Victory Cry
Ose 31 111 25 Fatal End, Gokuentou, Critical Eye, Death Chaser, Rakukaja, Bloody Vanguard
**Black Frost** 47 121 41 Absorb Fire, Agidyne, Icy Paradise, Absorb Ice, Trick Step, Fire Amp, Ice Amp
Decarabia 52 104 53 Agidyne, Megidola, Farsight, Stun Circle, Summon Demon, Circle Recovery, Lemegeton
Shiki-Ouji 61 150 32 Matarukaja, Blade of Fury, Mind’s Eye, Mabufudyne, Purifying Rain, Tousatsujin, Ice Wall
Loki 72 140 52 Trick Step, Bufudyne, Niflheim, Pain Watcher, Ice Boost, Rebel Spirit, Mind Charge, Ice Amp

Magician Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Agathion 3 17 15 Spotter, Agi, Hama, Tarunda, Resist Fire
Orobas 8 26 23 Agi, Twin Slash, Gurentou, Maragi, Scarecrow, Disarm
Jack Frost 16 55 25 Ice Wall, Mabufu, Bufula, Ice Boost, Scarecrow, Sutakora Foot
Hua Po 25 47 33 Recarm, Maragi, Media, Fire Boost, Agilao, Healing Hand
Pyro Jack 32 81 30 Absorb Fire, Maragi, Maragion, Fortune Hunter, Fire Boost, Fire Wall
Dis 39 81 44 Harvest Prayer, Agilao, Fire Boost, Diarama, Renewal Ray, Resist Fire
Rangda 45 121 28 Immunity Buffer, Heavy Shot, Death Counter, Pain-Eater, Life Wall, Pain Watcher, Bloody Vanguard
Jinn 53 121 49 Absorb Wind, Garudyne, Nuclear Blast, Wind Wall, Dekunda, Wind Amp
Surt 62 180 28 Absorb Fire, Hientou, Ragnarok, Fire Boost, Fire Amp, Heroic Gemini
Mada 69 189 32 Absorb Fire, Agidyne, Fire Wall, Maragidyne, Fire Boost, Colossal Swing, Fire Amp

Priestess Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Ame no Uzume 6 17 20 Hunting Prayer, Hama, Renewal Ray, Makajam, Orb of Haste
High Pixie 15 26 26 Media, Garu, Recarm, Pure Memento, Spotter, Diarama
Ganga 28 75 27 Cornucopia, Mabufu, Orb of Haste, Makajam, Bufula, Resist Ice
Parvati 37 81 42 Absorb Elec, Zionga, Me Patra, Alleys of Light, Elec Boost, Mazionga, Return from Yomi
Hariti 56 140 40 Marakunda, Garudyne, Purifying Rain, Gale Link, Triple Link, Mind’s Eye
Tzitzimitl 64 100 55 Salome’s Kiss, Mudoon, Maziodyne, Magarudyne, Maragidyne, Mabufudyne, Restoring Touch
Scathach 76 160 58 Frost Link, Primal Force, Quadruple Link, Swordbreaker, Death Chaser, Golden Link, God’s Stab

Empress Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Yaksini 11 62 13 Null Paralysis, Frost Link, Death Counter, Harvest Prayer, Swift Strike, Double Link
Titania 19 31 36 Wind Wall, Magaru, Runic Shield, Garula, Patra, Wind Boost
Gorgon 30 78 28 Null Petrify, Bufula, Mamudo, Ice Boost, Marakunda, Orb of Haste
Gabriel 42 92 38 Diarama, Holy Touch, Healing Hand, Mediarama, Light Wall, Samarecarm
Skadi 50 92 50 Mediarama, Mabufula, Bufudyne, Swordbreaker, Mind Charge, Ice Amp, Resist Ice
Mother Harlot 55 160 32 Absorb Elec, Poison Breath, Ziodyne, Salome’s Kiss, Elec Boost, Maziodyne, Stagnant Air
Lakshmi 65 92 58 Renewal Aura, Purifying Rain, Diarahan, Mediarahan, Healing Hand, Yomi Return, Samarecarm
Alilat 75 121 62 Immunity Buffer, Photon Edge, Null Paralysis, Null Panic, Null Sleep, Null Poison, Null Curse, Null Petrify

Emperor Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Oberon 9 26 23 Elec Wall, Zio, Mazio, Runic Shield, Spotter, Sleep Circle
Setanta 18 92 16 Tarukaja, Kidney Smash, Swift Strike, Bolt Link, Double Link, Power Charge
King Frost 25 100 26 Absorb Ice, Bufula, Ice Wall, Mabufu, Ice Boost, Spotter
Oukuninushi 34 121 20 Reppu Strike, Safeguard, Magic Mallet, Endure, Marakukaja, Vorpal Blade, Null Sleep
Thoth 41 109 42 Heroic Wind, Zionga, Elec Boost, Mazionga, Resist Elec, Elec Amp
Pabilsag 46 150 23 Lethargy Circle, Lightning Smash, Binding Hands, Sonic Punch, Null Sleep, Stardrop
Kingu 60 130 38 Snake Glare, Myriad Arrows, Dekunda, Free Memento, Masukunda, Endure, Rebel Spirit
Barong 65 160 36 Elec Boost, Ziodyne, Return from Yomi, Thunder Smash, Elec Amp, Resist Elec, Eternal Melody
Odin 72 198 45 Runic Shield, Thunder Smash, Panta Rhei, Mind Charge, God’s Stab, Absorb Wind, Critical Eye, Wind Amp

Hierophant Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Anzu 3 17 13 Mutudi, Garu, Cleave, Stun Circle, Resist Wind
Shiisaa 18 81 16 Tarunda, Stunning Slice, Yomi Return, Harvest Prayer, Alleys of Light, Makajam
Unicorn 28 72 25 Fortune Hunter, Diarama, Recarm, Masukunda, Hailstorm, Null Poison
Gozuki 33 134 23 Frost Link, Moondrop, Double Link, Colossal Swing, Power Charge, Demon’s Bash
Flauros 41 130 22 Gokuentou, Sleep Circle, Guillotine, Summon Ghost, Stardrop, Lemegeton
Mishaguji 52 130 28 Death Chaser, Stardrop, Calming Lull, Megidola, Restoring Touch, Dekaja, Deathbound
Daisoujou 60 81 60 Light Wall, Purifying Rain, Samsara, Paths of Light, Samarecarm, Healing Hand, Yomi Return
Hachiman 68 160 40 Bolt Link, Quadruple Link, Thunder Smash, Elec Wall, Golden Link, Absorb Elec, Warrior Title
Kohryu 73 170 38 Dragon Cry, Shadow Run, Megidolaon, Fire Amp, Ice Amp, Elec Amp, Wind Amp

Lovers Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Pixie 2 12 17 Dia, Zio, Patra, Pulinpa, Clairvoyance
Alp 9 35 17 Magaru, Evil Touch, Poison Circle, Treasure Hunter, Null M-Bind
Moh Shuvuu 17 39 32 Gale Link, Me Patra, Free Memento, Media, Null Poison, Wind Boost
Queen Mab 24 51 34 Null Panic, Zionga, Mind Charge, Masukunda, Elec Boost, Runic Shield
Leanan Sidhe 35 69 42 Faerie’s Vigil, Bufula, Heroic Wind, Renewal Aura, Salome’s Kiss, Dark Wall
Raphael 48 100 48 Hamaon, Vorpal Blade, Mediarama, Punisher, End Shot, Judgement Sword
Cybele 58 92 52 Absorb Wind, Blade of Fury, Kamikaze Strike, Endless Bounty, Diarahan, Cornucopia, Shadow Run
Ishtar 68 81 60 Mediarama, Mazionga, Samarecarm, Pure Memento, Free Memento, Mediarahan, Salome’s Kiss

Chariot Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Nata Taishi 7 55 11 Twin Slash, Fusion Blast, Skull Cracker, Tarukaja, Endure, Null A-Bind
Chimera 10 65 13 Snake Glare, Fusion Blast, Broadshot, Orb of Power, Rakukaja, Bestial Roar
Eligor 17 72 19 Bloody Vanguard, Assault Dive, Glacial Edge, Mighty Swing, Safeguard, Orb of Resolve
Ares 23 107 16 Glacial Edge, Resseiha, Power Charge, Shinkuuha, Warrior Title, Orb of Power
Mezuki 30 121 19 Elec Wall, Bolt Link, Fatal End, Endure, Sukunda, Colossal Swing
Oumitsunu 38 140 20 Body Shield, Lightning Smash, Swordbreaker, Heavy Shot, Colossal Swing, Null S-Bind, Demon’s Bash
Triglav 44 140 29 Aeon Rain, Raging Fists, Dragon Cry, Masukunda, Gigantic Fist, Power Charge
Thor 60 180 30 Absorb Elec, Thunder Smash, Thunder Reign, Life Aid, Warrior Title, Demon’s Bash, Heroic Gemini, God’s Bash
Atavaka 66 184 38 Shura Tensei, End Shot, Shura Revert, Silent Thrust, Mind’s Eye, Roads of Light, God’s Stab, God’s Cut
Futsunushi 79 170 42 God’s Cut, Brutal Slash, Photon Edge, Power Charge, Swordbreaker, Matarukaja, Critical Eye

Justice Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Angel 8 17 23 Dia, Garu, Mutudi, Media, Panic Circle, Wind Boost
Archangel 14 39 20 Null Paralysis, Jinpugeki, Life Aid, Yomi Return, Mahama
Power 20 62 24 Null Curse, Mahama, Mighty Swing, Power Charge, Warrior Title, Me Patra
Virtue 29 72 32 Diarama, Arrow Rain, Hamaon, Masukukaja, Holy Touch, Mahama
Dominion 35 100 30 Light Wall, Holy Touch, Mediarama, Hamaon, Judgement Sword, Healing Hand
Throne 43 89 44 Maragion, Renewal Aura, Holy Touch, Resist Fire, Recarm, Fire Wall
Uriel 52 100 50 Paths of Light, Mahamaon, Brutal Slash, Samarecarm, Diarahan, Resist Light, Healing Hand
Ophanim 58 92 55 Farsight, Maragidyne, Diarahan, Photon Edge, Orb of Power, Paths of Light, Dekunda
Melchizedek 64 121 40 Null Paralysis, Photon Edge, Warrior Title, Marakukaja, Matarukaja, Masukukaja, Judgement Sword

Hermit Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Azumi 3 22 14 Hunting Prayer, Bufu, Makajam, Sukukaja, Resist Ice
Ippon-Datara 13 81 13 Treasure Hunter, Teardrop, Broadshot, Decay Circle, Death Chaser, Sukukaja
Nue 20 89 15 Scarecrow, Tempest Slash, Bestial Roar, Scorching Blast, Death Counter
Mothman 25 72 26 Null Poison, Poison Breath, Mazio, Mudoon, Magaru, Absorb Wind
Hitokotonusi 34 130 21 Tarunda, Arrow Rain, Sonic Punch, Heat Wave, Clairvoyance, Resist Elec
Kurama Tengu 40 130 28 Tengu’s Vigil, Garula, Vorpal Blade, Magarula, Absorb Wind, Wind Amp
Niddhoggr 49 160 26 Dark Wall, End Shot, Body Shield, Revenge Blow, Mamudoon, Dragon Cry
Nebiros 55 81 52 Impure Reach, Sleep Circle, Summon Demon, Matarunda, Dekaja, Stagnant Air, Dekunda
Arahabaki 62 160 34 Immunity Buffer, Tousatsujin, Rebel Spirit, Life Wall, Orb of Resolve, Ice Wall, Endure
Ongyo-Ki 71 180 36 Demon’s Cut, Flame Link, Quadruple Link, Tousatsujin, Endure, Shura Tensei, Death Counter, First Star

Fortune Arcana

Persona Level HP SP Skills
Empusa 6 17 20 Mutudi, Bufu, Patra, Tentarafoo, Sukunda
Fortuna 26 43 38 Cornucopia, Garula, Alleys of Light, Pure Memento, Resist Wind, Masukukaja
Clotho 33 62 42 Renewal Ray, Recarm, Mediarama, Matarukaja, Pure Memento, Free Memento
Lachesis 47 89 45 Wind Wall, Garudyne, Marakukaja, Purifying Rain, Marakunda, Eternal Melody, Resist Wind
Ananta 54 180 24 Snake Glare, Poison Circle, Swordbreaker, Body Shield, Endure, Restoring Touch
Atropos 59 92 54 Masukukaja, Bufudyne, Free Memento, Absorb Ice, Eternal Melody, Ice Boost, Ice Wall
**Norn** 66 100 60 Runic Shield, Garudyne, Bufudyne, Ziodyne, Agidyne, Diarahan, Mediarahan, Samarecarm
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
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  • Guide Release
    1 August 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Jarrod Garripoli

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With the eerie tolling of the Yasogami High School bells, 18 Persona-users find themselves trapped inside the labyrinth of a strange other-world. There, they meet Zen and Rei, an odd duo who have lost their memories. As the parties come together to seek an escape, a mysterious shadow creeps ever nearer. Persona Q combines the story and characters of Persona with the gameplay of Atlus’ dungeon-crawling role-playing series, Etrian Odyssey.

You will find a plethora of information in this guide, including:

  • A complete walkthrough of the game’s story.
  • Detailed maps for every single floor of every dungeon in the game.
  • How to complete all of Elizabeth’s Requests.
  • Lists for every item in the game.
  • Some tips on how to use the characters in your party.
  • The basics to understanding the complex Fusion system.

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