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Promise Keeper

Turned your back on empty dreams and joined the battle to save mankind.

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There are 14 treasures alltogether in this area and the area is a veritable minefield to negotiate so bear with us.

From the start go south and pry open the treasure cube withthe ‘Determination’ Gate Seal (unlocks Time Reversal in AF700 Dying World), then go north, turn east and check out the treasure sphere for a Phoenix Down , then examine the Cactuar stone to make a checkpoint (in case you fall through a gap, you restart at the last Cactuar stone you checked).

Category Items
Weapons Fatal Barb [Chain Bonus level 4], Fragarach [Chain Bonus level 4], Eurytos’s Bow [ATB rate +40%], Orochi [ATB rate +40%]
Special The following items unlock after you defeat the final boss! Sagittarius [ATB Gauge +1], Mac an Luin [ATB Gauge +1], Arcus Chronica, In Paradisum
Accessories Delicate Gold Bangle, Durable Gold Bangle, Delicate Blaze Ring, Durable Blaze Ring, Delicate Icicle Ring, Durable Icicle Ring, Delicate Fulmen Ring, Durable Fulmen Ring, Delicate Gale Ring, Durable Gale Ring, Delicate Brawler’s Wristband, Durable Brawler’s Wristband, Delicate Shaman’s Mark, Durable Shaman’s Mark, Delicate Pain Dampener, Delicate White Cape, Delicate Obsidian Choker.
Monster Materials Power Orb, Mana Orb, Vitality Orb, Power Essence, Mana Essence, Vitality Essence, Power Engine, Mana Engine, Vitality Engine, Power Booster, Mana Booster, Vitality Booster
Monster Materials The following items unlock after you defeat the final boss! Potent Crystal, Potent Generator

Go north for a scene, then turn east and cross the block to the platform to the east. Grab the treasure for a Phoenix Blood , and watch out for a tough encounter with Mimi. This Spook summons additional enemies into battle, and all such summoned foes are tough. Drop down to respawn at the Cactuar checkpoint.

Go north, then turn west and cross the block to the platform to the west. Turn north and wait for the L-block to connect with a platform to the northwest, then cross the L-block to the platform. Use the stairs to the north and examine the Cactuar stone to make a checkpoint. Turn east and go over the block to the platform to the east with a treasure that contains the Map of AF500 Academia . Below the platform you’re standing on is another platform - drop down with the help of Anti-Grav Jump and lay claim to a Brawler’s Wristband .

Drop down to return to the last Cactuar checkpoint then turn north and use the stairs to the north. Wait for the L-block to connect to the platform to the northwest, turn north, go downstairs and loot the treasure sphere for a Shaman’s Mark . Turn south, go upstairs, wait for the L-block to connect to the stairs to the southeast, turn around, wait for the same L-block to connect to the set of stairs to the northeast. Now you can reach the platform with the yellow “!”.

Boss Fight: Pacos Amethyst & Pacos Luvulite

A couple of elemental monsters that don’t mix. Both foes emit Area of Effect elemental attacks, and stomp the ground for physical damage. They’re immune to many useful debuffs, except Deprotect and Deshell, which you seriously need to consider sticking on them. They aren’t really dangerous otherwise.

After defeating one of them, the remaining Pacos starts a chant to revive the one you just dispatched, so hurry it up before that happens. If the Pacos you’re still fighting has for example 20000 HP when the chant is complete, the revived Pacos will also have 20000 HP, so use this information to your advantage.

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Obsidian Medal

Defeated a powerful enemy with perfect execution.

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Touch all the Cactuar stones to make checkpoints! (left) Chaos blocks explanation (right).

In the scene that follows, a blue Chaos Block pops up, Noel touches it and it turns red. Touching these cubes will cause some rotating blocks to change their pattern. You also nab the AF500 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Amethyst and Luvulite Fragment (01/02) + 8000CP ! The Cactuar stone on this platform is auto-activated. To the east of this Cactuar stone is an at-the-moment immovable stairs-block. Jump towards it to add it to your map as an explored area, and then you need to fall down to return to the last Cactuar checkpoint.

Jump on the block to the south, wait for the eastern L-block to connect you with the platform to the southeast, then cross the L-block to the southeast platform. Cross the eastern block to the eastern platform and examine the Cactuar stone for a checkpont. Board the stairs-block to the north when it’s properly aligned, and then use the L-block to the north to reach a platform to the northeast.

Activate the Cactuar stone for a checkpoint, use the stairs to the north and touch the red Chaos block to have it turn blue. Use the stairs to the south, turn west and cross the L-block when it connects to the platform to the northwest.

Go west, touch the Cactuar stone for a checkpoint, continue west to the end of the platform to explore it, then return to the east. Touch the blue Chaos block to have it turn red, then hop on the T-block to the north, and ride it to the platform to the west. Ignore the cube for now, and instead jump to the immovable stairs-block to add it to your map as an explored area. Fall down and return to the last Cactuar checkpoint.

Hop on the T-block to the north again and ride it to the platform to the west. Examine the red Chaos block to have it turn blue, then use the T-block to the east to ride it to the eastern platform. Here loot the treasure cube with the ‘Sisters’ Gate Seal (unlocks Time Reversal on AF700 New Bodhum). Next, board the stairs-block to the east when it’s properly aligned to reach another platform to the east.

Touch the Cactuar stone for a checkpoint, check the blue Chaos block to have it turn red, and then hop on the L-block to the north when it connects to the platform to the northeast. You have to jump off the L-block to reach that platform below. Here is a super-concealed treasure sphere with an Elixir and after claiming it, fall off the edge to return to the last checkpoint.

Check the red Chaos block to have it turn blue, and then hop on the L-block to the north. At the other end, wait for the T-block to the west, jump on it and get off the platform to the west. Board another T-block to the west, and wait until it connects to the L-block to the west. Cross the L-block to the platform southwest of here. Examine both the Cactuar stone for a checkpoint and the Chaos block.

Wait for the L-block to the north to connect to the platform to the northwest. Jump off the L-block to reach that platform below. Here you can find a Royal Armlet. After nabbing it, drop off the platform to return to the last checkpoint.

Examine the Chaos block, then cross the L-block north and wait for the T-block to the east to come into position. From here, hop on the T-block and have it carry you to the platform northeast. Use the stairs-block to the west and stop. Straight ahead of you is a platform with a treasure on it, and the only way to get it is by Moogle Throw. The L-block to the west will carry you there, but a bit of maneuvering is required. Wait for the L-block to connect with the stairs-block you’re on, hop on the L-block and run onto its south end. Here, wait for the L-block to rotate again, and during the rotation, jump and hover to avoid being pushed off. With the L-block in position, quickly run onto its west end. Align Moogle Throw properly and collect 8x Mana Essence. Drop down to return to the last checkpoint.

Examine the Chaos block to turn it red, and cross the L-block north when its other end points east so that you can wait on the tip of the I-block. From here, hop on the T-block east and have it carry you to the platform northeast. Use the stairs-block to the west, and cross the L-block west when it connects to the stairs-block northwest.

Hop on the platform north and quickly dash for the stairs-blocks to the east to reach the final platform (if you’re caught, you need to fight Proto-behemoth and 2x Schrodinger). Here, you have Chocolina’s shop, a Cactuar stone that is auto-activated, and a big red Cactuar stone which warps you to the start of the dungeon (once you do so, another big red Cactuar stone is added at the start of the dungeon to the west of Chocolina’s shop). Don’t forget to loot the treasure cube containing the ‘Final Battle’ Gate Seal (unlocks Time Reversal on AF500 Academia).

Big red Cactuar stone. Yes, they work the same as in Archylte Steppe.

Leave the cube alone for now, and instead go east down two stairs-blocks to the platform east. Go down the stairs-block to the south, and wait for the L-block to the south to connect to the stairs-block to the southwest. Reach the platform to the west and examine The red Chaos block. Further to the west is another platform with treasure on it - use Moogle Throw to recover 7x Vitality Booster .

Get on the stairs-block east of here and, at the top, wait for the L-block to be in an upright position. Hop onto it, wait for it to rotate one more time, and now you have the opening needed to do a Moogle Throw towards the treasure on the platform further east. Upon being successful a Gold Bangle is yours. Afterwards, fall down to return to the last checkpoint.

Before tackling the final bosses, make the necessary preparations:

  1. SEN/SEN/SEN (Pulsework Soldier/Silver Chocobo)

  2. MED/MED/MED (Flanitor)

  3. COM/COM/COM (Chichu/Dragoon)

  4. RAV/RAV/COM (Chichu/Dragoon)

  5. SAB/RAV/MED (Flanitor)

  6. SAB/MED/MED (Flanitor): default paradigm

Finally, cross the I-block to the north to engage in the final boss battles. Here we go!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2012
  • Last Updated
    20 February 2021
  • Guide Author
    Damir Kolar

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After the happy ending of Final Fantasy XIII, Serah Farron sets out on a search for her sister Lightning who mysteriously disappeared. No one but Serah remembers what happened that day underneath the crystal pillar and many believe Lightning died. Serah is not convinced however, and along with Noel, a mysterious time traveller from the future, she journeys through time and space to find her sister. Along the way, she uncovers dark and sinister truths that could destroy the timeline and set untold chaos in motion. You must join together to stop that from happening!

Traverse the Historia Crux with our guide, which includes the following:

  • 100% walkthrough to Final Fantasy XIII-2.
  • Accompanied with helpful screenshots and videos.
  • All side quests & post game content covered in detail.
  • How to obtain every collectible in the game.
  • HD videos of key battles and how to beat every boss.
  • Comprehensive Coliseum battle guide.
  • The best places to level and farm XP.
  • A complete Bestiary for every enemy type.
  • DLC guide for “Sazh’s Episode: Heads or Tails?” and “Requiem for a Goddess”.
  • 100% Platinum Trophy / Achievements guide.

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