Miss Horizon’s Location.
There’s a wealth of fragments here now that we have 100% in all maps. Go to Miss Horizon, marked on the map with a blue “!” and talk to her for the following fragments:
100% coverage of Bresha Ruins awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Bresha Ruins (04/13) + 150CP !
100% coverage of Sunleth Waterscape awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: New Bodhum (01/13) + 100CP !
100% coverage of Yaschas Massif awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Yaschas Massif (06/13) + 200CP !
100% coverage of Oerba awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Oerba (07/13) + 200CP !
100% coverage of Academia awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Academia (08/13) + 400CP !
100% coverage of Augusta Tower awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Augusta Tower (09/13) + 400CP !
100% coverage of Vile Peaks awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Vile Peaks (10/13) + 500CP !
100% coverage of Archylte Steppe awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Archylte Steppe (11/13) + 200CP !
100% coverage of Dying World awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Travel Guide: Dying World (12/13) + 600CP !
Completing all maps awards AF400 ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Academic Rank: Paradox Professor (13/13) + 1500CP !
A visit to AF??? Serendipity’s chocobo mystic yields the Battlemania fragment skill.
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