Location of the weapon materials (left). Assistant’s Location (right).
Lamentable Rest - Go west a bit into Echoes of the Past and talk to Pat to trigger a retrieval quest. She wants something to help her develop a new weapon. Hit the northwest underground area of Echoes of the Past and reveal an item to collect the Weapon Material . Return the item to Pat for AF100 BRESHA RUINS FRAGMENT - Palladium Ring (01/06) + 1000CP !
Echoes of the Past - Talk to the Professor, the man in front of the north entrance to the middle underground area for a retrieval quest. In the middle underground area look for a super-concealed man reveal him with R1. Talk to the Assistant to get the Monster Analysis Report . Return the report to the Professor for AF100 BRESHA RUINS FRAGMENT - Osmium Ring (02/06) + 1000CP !
The Mercenary’s location.
Echoes of the Past - In the pillars area, open a treasure cube with the ‘Eternity’ Gate Seal (unlocks Time Reversal for AF??? Serendipity), then talk to Walter, the man near the east end of the map. He wants you to talk to the mercenary Raymond. When you do so, you have to bring out the nice side of Raymond. A series of Live Triggers is presented - Live Trigger (Square), Live Trigger (X), Live Trigger (Triangle). Bag the AF100 BRESHA RUINS FRAGMENT - Ruthenium Ring (03/06) + 1000CP ! When you’re done, loot the Chrysalis Arc , and an Elixir .
Lamentable Rest. Return to the scorched gate and talk to Ronan, the man standing near the monument. Ronan gives you a quest to retrieve a device. - he needs an item from AF300 Bresha Ruins.
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