Another Man’s Treasure - Waltz south and soon you happen upon a concealed soldier lying in the snow. Press R1 to reveal him and talk to Baxter for a quest and AF010 VILE PEAKS FRAGMENT - Baxter’s Last Light (01/04) + 800CP !
Careful, another man on the ground (left). Howdy Ray (right).
Proceed to the very east into Dismal Dunescape and talk to Ray, the soldier in yellow armor for a quest and AF010 VILE PEAKS FRAGMENT - Ray’s Last Light (02/04) + 800CP ! You can explore the north region called Wrack and Ruin, because there’s a bridge now.
Ominous black mist.
Proceed towards the blue “!”. On the way nab the Royal Armlet , and in the dead end north of the black mist there is another treasure sphere with 8x Mana Orb .
Prepare for battle against Twilight Odin! Terminate the summon to obtain AF010 VILE PEAKS FRAGMENT - Twilight Fragment Alpha (03/04) + 3000CP !
Boss Tips :
Do you still have the 2x Lightning Aegis from before? They’ll be useful yet again! Odin retains much of the repertoire from FFXIII, and some of his attacks are lightning-based.
Keep SEN active at all times so that it draws the majority of the attacks. There’s not much you can do in the debuff department because Odin is immune to everything useful. At least, until you stagger him - then you can add Deprotect, Deshell, Poison, Imperil.
Once Odin is staggered, dispatch him to the afterlife… or so we thought.
Proceed west and collect treasures as you go - An Entite Ring , a Saint’s Amulet , a concealed sphere with a Hero’s Amulet , an out-of-reach sphere with a Zealot’s Amulet , then you run into a concealed soldier. Press R1 to reveal him, and talk to Sergeant Blitz for AF010 VILE PEAKS FRAGMENT - Sarge’s Last Light (04/04) + 800CP ! Continue west to a concealed sphere with a Platinum Casino Ticket , and the last sphere with a Platinum Casino Ticket .
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