Upon popping up there will be two AF??? nodes. The left one leads to Serendipity, but you cannot go very far because the entrance is firmly sealed. Other than the scene and the nearby treasure sphere, there’s nothing else you can do here, so beam yourself up via the gate and choose The Void Beyond node to end up in the void.
Beam me up, Scotty.
Here lies the Throne of the Goddess. A treasure sphere directly south of your position has a Map of Void Beyond . And that’s it. Yup, you’re done here! Examine the time gate and off you go. Upon entering the Historia Crux, there is an unlocked node below AF01X Yaschas Massif, which takes you to Serendipity (but you still cannot go further than the door). Regardless, we’re done with this, so mosey on over to AF300 Sunleth Waterscape .
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