Temptation Plaza - Woah, the door is open - yesss! Open the nearby treasure sphere for a Casino Ticket , then talk to the girl at the entrance to get the Map of Serendipity and another Casino Ticket . The leftmost house, the Chocobo Mystic’s Chamber, is connected to unlocking fragment skills once you meet certain requirements. At this time you can unlock the 1st skill - Mog’s Manifestation (can find monsters and items in strange places), and the 4th skill - Haggler (can sell items for more gil). There are 14 skills in total and they can be found in the last entry of the main menu; Fragment Skills.
Chocobo Mystic and Fragment Skills explanation (left). The FFXIII save-exclusive Lightning Mask (right).
Just above the leftmost house open the treasure cube for ‘The Fall’ Gate Seal that enables Time Reversal on AF01X Yaschas Massif. In the southeast corner you can find a treasure sphere with the Lightning Mask, but only if the game has detected the presence of a FFXIII save.
The topmost house, Racing Reception, features chocobo racing, an excellent way to obtain some kickass accessories. It is advisable that you wait until you acquire the Gold or Silver Chocobo later on in the game. These Chocobos are supreme in the races and will save you a lot of time and frustration down the line. Before exiting the house, check the tiny chicobo on the west side to obtain AF??? SERENDIPITY FRAGMENT - Chocochick Down (01/05) + 500CP !
The rightmost house, Hall of Gaming, is the damned casino. The Slots should only be used to get the fragment, and then never again. Three fragments can be bought for chips. The casino shop also sells a Wild Artefact but I suggest to wait a while before buying it - you need 100000 gil that can then be converted into 10000 chips to acquire the Wild Artefact. An awful lot of money at this stage in the game.
Casino Rewards¶
Item | Coin Cost |
Chaos Crystal | 10000 |
1 Gil | 9800 |
Setzer’s Dice | 10000 |
Wild Artefact | 10000 |
Shuffle | 50 |
Shuffle (common) | 200 |
Shuffle (graded) | 200 |
Chocoboost | 200 |
Chocobull | 500 |
Phoenix Down | 400 |
Librascope | 4000 |
Unicorn Horn | 1600 |
Phoenix Blood | 1600 |
Elixir | 30000 |
Item | Coin Cost |
Ribbon | 10000 |
Summoner’s Mask | 5000 |
Party Hat | 10000 |
Shooting Star | 1000 |
Black-Rimmed Glasses | 3000 |
Pink-Rimmed Glasses | 3000 |
Long Gui’s Shell | 3000 |
Bunny Ears | 10000 |
Red Mage’s Chapeau | 10000 |
Queen’s Mask | 3000 |
Vacationer’s Shades | 3000 |
Gold Shades | 3000 |
Violet Shades | 3000 |
That’s about it so exit to the Historia Crux and choose AF400 Academia.
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