Location of the Ivory Crystal (left). Location of the Emerald Crystal (right).
Enter The Paddraean Archaeopolis. Near the ramp leading to the statue talk to Lester, who wants you to retrieve three crystals. The Emerald Crystal is in a treasure cube inside the triangular crack in the ground very close to the crystal gate in The Pass of Paddra - A Moogle Throw is required. The Onyx Crystal is within a concealed treasure cube near a three-way cross east from the crystal gate in The Pass of Paddra. The Ivory Crystal is hidden in a treasure cube below the T-junction bridge in the south end of The Pass of Paddra, opposite the crystal gate. Give all these items to the man for AF01X YASCHAS MASSIF FRAGMENT - Mirror of Atropos (01/04) + 300 CP !
Location of the Onyx Crystal (left). Gorgyra’s Location (right).
In the encampment there’s a guy with a shield cap going around by the name of Duncan. He gives you a quest to kill Gorgyra, a ferocious monster which can be found in the southwest corner of The Pass of Paddra. Squish the foe for AF01X YASCHAS MASSIF FRAGMENT - Gorgyra Fragment (02/04) + 500CP !
Boss Tips:
Gorgyra is one of a few rare enemies in the game that casts Doom if you dawdle too long. Hopefully that won’t be the case here.
As you start the battle, stick on Deprotect and Deshell and then start wailing on Gorg. The Cie’th will continuously pester you with debuffs as well, so switch to MED MED SEN every so often to remove one or two debuffs.
Gorgyra is weak to all elemental damage, so driving it over the stagger edge is not difficult. Once staggered, switch between COM COM COM and RAV RAV COM to further increase stagger gain, and then finish it off.
Gorgyra is an Undying Cie’th, originally a Guardian of Paddra Nsu-Yeul before she transformed and is a sidequest target in Final Fantasy XIII-2. Defeating her grants the party a Gorgyra Fragment, which gives 500 CP.
Find the Fruit of Fenrir (left). Find the unbroken tablet (right).
Now you can talk to Bridget, the girl on the elevated ledge near the searchlight area in The Pass of Paddra for a quest. She wants a fruit from somewhere in AF010 Yaschas Massif. And one more person needs something from AF010 Yaschas Massif; talk to Marlow, the man in the northeast corner of The Paddraean Archaeopolis for quest info on recovering a tablet.
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