Bow Isle - This one is pretty fun to do! There’s a plethora of Flans at the start, which then run away to hide from you. You need to locate five sets of Flans - the set will always consist of three big Flans, and one little Flan who is concealed.
Location of the Red Flan (left). Location of the White Flan (right).
At the beginning you immediately run into three red Flans… Mog’s bobble lights up as well. Where Mog stops, there’s a hard-to-see little red Flan - reveal it for the AF400 SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Lapis Lazuli (01/07) + 800CP !
The White Flan set is found at the extreme south in Isle of Arboreal Embrace. Upon revealing the little Flan, you receive AF400 SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Cosmo Aura (02/07) + 800CP !
Location of Blue Flan (left). Location of Yellow Flan (right).
The Blue Flan set can be sniffed out by taking the left route via the vine into the Hidden Woodland Area. Reveal him to receive AF400 SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Heliodor Ore (03/07) + 800CP ! Ride the beast in the Animal Trail to the north and keep the moogle aimed to your right. When you see the out-of-reach treasure, launch the moogle to nab a Spark Ring .
At the Forest Crossroads is the yellow Flan set… jump to a set of trunks northwest, and then get on the lowest trunk you can. Here’s where the little yellow Flan is concealed. You will gain AF400 SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Carnelian (04/07) + 800CP !
Location of Dark Blue Flan (left). Graviton Core Eta (right).
And for the last one, go southeast from the Forest Crossroads, past Chocolina and the Dark Blue Flan set is in sight. Jump down on the trunks leading southeast to a dead end in the Overgrown Forest and Mog’s bobble lights up. Reveal him to receive AF400 SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Celestine (05/07) + 800CP !
Now proceed to the blue “!” in the Assembly Area and defeat the mucus of five Flans in the event battle for AF400 SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Miniflan Fragment (06/07) + 2500CP ! You also pocket the ‘Thunderstruck’ Gate Seal which enables Time Reversal in AF400 Sunleth Waterscape.
Afterwards return to the Assembly Area to the spot where you fought and above the blue circle in the ground is a concealed item. Poke it with R1 to recover AF400 SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Graviton Core Eta (07/07) + 500CP !
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