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PARADOX ENDING - A Giant Mistake

Do Time Reversal on AF005 Bresha Ruins, defeat the first boss of the area and proceed through the scenes. When you’re tasked with operating the control device, instead simply go and defeat Atlas while it’s at full power. Once he’s gone, you unlock AFXXX Archylte Steppe . Visit the timeline, view the ending and get the fragment.

PARADOX ENDING - Vanilles Truth

Turn on the Paradox Scope fragment skill and do Time Reversal on AF200 Oerba. Proceed to the place of the Caius encounter. When you begin the battle, the words “PARADOX SCOPE” appear on screen, and you fight a stronger version of the boss. After he bites the dust, AFXXX Oerba is unlocked. Visit the timeline, view the ending and get AFXXX OERBA FRAGMENT - Transcript: Vanille’s Truth (01/01) + 10000CP !

Boss Tips :

Tough to take down the first time, even tougher now! At the start of battle, Caius fortifies himself with Reraise (which cannot be dispeled). He can also produce a mass of buffs on himself, and gain Regen (which cannot be dispeled).

Start with Deprotect, Deshell and Poison, while always keeping the SEN monster active so that it draws Caius’ attacks. Then include RAV/RAV/SEN and pour in magic damage until he is staggered. Caius is now likely to put Bravery, Faith and Regen on himself, but just ignore it and continue the assault for victory!

That Reraise will now kick in and restore Caius’ HP to full. But instead of running away repeat what you’ve done once more (Caius no longer uses Reraise on himself).

PARADOX ENDING - Mischievous Mogs Marvelous Plan with Flan

Do Time Reversal on AF300 Sunleth Waterscape and defeat the boss of the area. When you’re tasked with trying to find something to shrink the boss, instead simply go and defeat Giant Flan’s ass while it’s in its full power state. After it’s melted away, you unlock AFXXX Sunleth Waterscape . Visit the timeline, view the ending and get AFXXX SUNLETH WATERSCAPE FRAGMENT - Transcript: Mischievous Mog’s Flan Plan (01/01) + 10000CP !

Boss Tips :

Like the first time, Royal is healed by smaller flans at its base, but this time it cannot be staggered. The battle starts with Belch adding a nice Poison debuff to everyone. Remove that with Esuna and then get on the offensive with Deprotect and Deshell (Royal is immune to other useful debuffs).

Ignore Royal’s attacks of flailing with its arms around - just eat the damage and drive up that Chain Gauge for bigger damage bonuses to attacks. With about 50% HP lost it uses Quivering Wrath, which removes Royal’s debuffs, grants it Haste and enables its attacks to deal Wound damage. Get rid of Haste with Chichu’s Haste Feeder, and resume working on the Chain Gauge.

Not much changes in the attack repertoire otherwise, so kick the mucus of Royal Ripeness away to be forgotten forever.

PARADOX ENDING - Test Subjects

Turn on the Paradox Scope fragment skill and do Time Reversal on AF200 Augusta Tower. Climb to the very top of the tower and begin the battle. The words “PARADOX SCOPE” appear on screen, and you will fight a stronger version of the boss. When it croaks, you unlock AFXXX Augusta Tower . Visit the timeline, view the ending and get AFXXX AUGUSTA TOWER FRAGMENT - Transcript: Test Subjects (01/01) + 10000CP !

Boss Tips :

This is an extremely easy Paradox Scope boss. Both Manipulators sport 16320 HP each, so they’re scrap metal very soon. Use RAV/RAV/COM to drive up Adam’s Chain Gauge to 200% and then dismantle it.

PARADOX ENDING - The Future is Hope

Turn on the Paradox Scope fragment skill and do Time Reversal on AF4XX Academia. Replay the map up to the point where you give Alyssa the Graviton Cores. DO NOT SKIP THE EVENTS DURING THIS TIME. Eventually you’re offered a Live Trigger choice! Press X for the paradox ending, view it and bag AF4XX ACADEMIA FRAGMENT - Transcript: The Future is Hope (10/11) + 3000CP !

PARADOX ENDING - Beneath a Timeless Sky

Do Time Reversal on AF4XX Academia. Replay the map up to the point where you give Alyssa the Graviton Cores, and proceed by taking the shiny gate into the start of Episode 5. When Serah is all alone in Valhalla, turn on the Paradox Scope fragment skill. Proceed to the next boss encounter, where Serah and her monsters fight against Caius. When you begin the battle, the words “PARADOX SCOPE” appear on screen, and you will fight a stronger version of the boss. When he keels over, you unlock AFXXX New Bodhum . Visit the timeline, view the ending and get AFXXX NEW BODHUM FRAGMENT - Transcript: Beneath a Timeless Sky (01/01) + 10000CP !

Boss Tips :

If Paradox Adam was easy, this Paradox Caius certainly isn’t. Serah’s primary roles will be SAB (for debuffing Caius with Poison and Wound damage) and MED (for healing). Her monster companions should include Yakshini, Chichu/Dragoon/Twilight Odin, and Pulse Gladiator/Silver Commando.

The SEN will most likely see the entire battle since Caius is extremely fast in attacking. Sting Caius with Poison, Deprotect and Deshell, and then either attempt to stagger him (highly unlikely due to his annoying Chain Break) or continuously launch Wound to keep lowering Caius’s HPs.

When Caius is not attacking, bring out Yakshini for Bravery and Faith, and then switch back to SEN. The COM should see action when Caius is buffed with Haste, or when he’s staggered.

When you deplete his reserves for the first time, Reraise will activate, restoring Caius to MAX HP. Repeat what you’ve been doing and you win.

PARADOX ENDING - Fate and Freedom

Do Time Reversal on AF4XX Academia. Replay the map up to the point where you give Alyssa the Graviton Cores, and proceed by taking the shiny gate into the start of Episode 5. Proceed to the next boss encounter, where Serah and her monsters fight against Caius. Defeat him to proceed forward to AF00X New Bodhum, and advance the events until you talk to a certain woman on the pier. At the offered Live Trigger press Triangle to get the paradox ending, and a fragment. I already completed this paradox ending in the course of walkthrough.

PARADOX ENDING - Heir to Chaos

Do Time Reversal on AF4XX Academia. Replay the map up to the point where you give Alyssa the Graviton Cores, and proceed by taking the shiny gate into the start of Episode 5. Proceed to the next boss encounter, where Serah and her monsters fight against Caius. Defeat him to proceed forward to AF00X New Bodhum, and advance the events until you talk to a certain woman on the pier. At the offered Live Trigger press X to advance to AF700 Dying World. Now turn on the Paradox Scope fragment skill. Proceed to the place of the boss battle where Noel is going solo VS Caius. When you begin the battle, the words “PARADOX SCOPE” appear on screen, and you will fight a stronger version of the boss. When he keels over, you unlock AFXXX Dying World . Visit the timeline, view the ending and get AFXXX DYING WORLD FRAGMENT - Transcript: Heir to Chaos (01/01) + 10000CP !

Boss Tips :

Caius buffs himself with Reraise, and then begins pelting Noel with a variety of combos making it very hard to gain solid footing in the starting stages of the battle. When you get some breathing room, heal yourself with Potions (the only time I don’t find using MED to heal useful though a quick burst here and there won’t do any harm), and switch to SYN to get yourself some buffs. Follow up by SAB debuffing Caius with POISON, Deshell and Deprotect.

Regain the momentum with RAV, switching to COM to prevent the Chain Gauge from diminishing. If Caius uses Chain Break, just grit it up and try again. Heal with Potions when required, and remove debuffs with appropriate items (or use Unicorn Horn to remove all at once). After the initial defeat, Caius’s HP is restored due to Reraise, only to be killed again.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
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  • Guide Release
    23 February 2012
  • Last Updated
    20 February 2021
  • Guide Author
    Damir Kolar

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After the happy ending of Final Fantasy XIII, Serah Farron sets out on a search for her sister Lightning who mysteriously disappeared. No one but Serah remembers what happened that day underneath the crystal pillar and many believe Lightning died. Serah is not convinced however, and along with Noel, a mysterious time traveller from the future, she journeys through time and space to find her sister. Along the way, she uncovers dark and sinister truths that could destroy the timeline and set untold chaos in motion. You must join together to stop that from happening!

Traverse the Historia Crux with our guide, which includes the following:

  • 100% walkthrough to Final Fantasy XIII-2.
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  • All side quests & post game content covered in detail.
  • How to obtain every collectible in the game.
  • HD videos of key battles and how to beat every boss.
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  • A complete Bestiary for every enemy type.
  • DLC guide for “Sazh’s Episode: Heads or Tails?” and “Requiem for a Goddess”.
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