This is yet another Balance of Power mission, with the other one being locked out should you choose Sabal over Amita. Sabal wants you to destroy the Rochan Brick Factory, cutting off the supply of heroin. Pick up the satchel charges and head to the first objective to find a place you can stock up on some ammo and other guns if needed, then go and meet up with the rebel leader up the hill.
Your primary goal, at the moment, is to destroy the five cables that are connected to the smoke stack. As you may have noticed, there’s a few elephants in the compound, which can help in destroying the cables, although you can also use explosives. Either way, you’re going to want to clear out some of the enemies first before going after the wires.
The cables can only be destroyed by explosives or by using an elephant, but you can also use a mortar.
If you choose to go with a stealth approach, watch out for the patrolling vehicle, as well as the enemies on top of the factory. Of course, you can always go in with guns running, although you’re going to attract the attention of more enemies. On the roof the factory is a mortar that you can also use to destroy the cables.
With the cables gone, you can now blow up the chimney, so feel free to use C4 or even the mortars on the roof of the building. There’s now a big hole where the chimney was, allowing you to go inside the factory. Kill the enemies inside, then plant the three bombs at the designated positions. When you’ve done that, exit the building and get to a safe distance before detonating the charges, ending the mission.
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