Jobs are another name for character classes; they determine what abilities your characters have access to. Each of the game’s 24 jobs has a maximum Job Level of 14 and to level up jobs you need Job Points (JP). You earn JP for your party members’ current job at the end of each battle, for all members still standing at the end.
With every new Job Level, you will acquire a new ability specific to that job role. Abilities come in two distinct flavors. Command Abilities can be used in combat, to inflict greater damage or assist your allies, for example. Each character can use Command Abilities from their current (“main”) job and a “secondary” job that you’ve assigned.
(1 of 2) It’s a good habit to adjust your abilities to match the foe(s) you’re facing. An enemy with max Magic Defense is no problem with Pierce Magic Defense!
It’s a good habit to adjust your abilities to match the foe(s) you’re facing. An enemy with max Magic Defense is no problem with Pierce Magic Defense! (left), (right)
Support Abilities passively aid your character, but you must equip them before you can benefit from them. You can equip Support Abilities from any job and as many as your character’s support ability cost limit allows. The limit starts at 1 and you’ll gain an additional point after each crystal awakened.
Characters can only use abilities they’ve learned themselves, so you’ll need to be smart when deciding everyone’s roles. Although some abilities only need to be equipped on one party member to benefit the whole group (such as the Dungeon Master ability gained by Level 4 Feelancers).
One great benefit is that Bravely Default allows you to mix and match your characters’ job roles at any time. The abilities each character can wield can be from any job role that they have levelled up thus far, allowing you to create a truly versatile team of monster killers!
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