For this quest, make for the beautiful Florie Dwellings at end of Florem Gardens. Approach the cliff edge and you should notice three distinct shadows in the distance. Unbelievably, Victoria is holding a girl group meeting with Artemia and Kikyo. What begins as friendly discussion, though, erupts into bloody battle when they notice our heroes…
Boss: Victoria, Kikyo and Artemia¶
(1 of 2)
Level | HP | Weak to |
66 | 85,000 (Victoria), 70,000 (Kikyo), 75,000 (Artemia) | Light (Victoria), Nothing (Kikyo), Fire (Artemia) |
Watch out: fighting the girls unprepared is detrimental to your mental health. Victoria causes the usual Doom and Poison ailments, so the Spiritmaster’s Fairy Ward (negates ailments for 5 turns) or Poison (Star Pendant) immunity would help immensely, as would Dark immunity for your healer (Dark Shield) and Dark resistance for the others.
Kikyo is troublesome too, using Shippujinrai to quickly fell your characters injured by her or her two friends. Our advice is to bring a Knight equipped with two shields and massive Defense boosts, then use the Ninja‘s Kairai to make Kikyo focus her attacks (and counter attacks) onto your Knight. Equip a Dark Shield onto your decoy to protect him or her from Victoria’s spells too.
Though the Kairai strategy is ace for misdirecting Kikyo and Victoria’s fire, Artemia’s Multi-Burst will still rain down on your party, so remember to watch your party’s health too or put up Rampart to shield your party from her arrows. Try to fell Artemia first, focusing on her fire weakness if possible, before taking down Victoria or Kikyo.
Furthermore, since Kikyo is no longer alone, you’re free to spam group-hitting attacks and not suffer a counter attack if she uses Utsusemi. Assuming you’re not getting pummelled by the girl power trio, you can steal a Life Ring (boosts HP) from Victoria, Brave Suit (begin the battle with an extra 1 BP) from Kikyo and Yoichi’s Bow from Artemia.
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