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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Reporting to Hyrule Castle

Vincent Lau
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Having reached the end of the secret way, Link will now be inside the Sanctuary, where he can bathe in the glorious light once more. Walk down and then left, toward the seating area, and an important cutscene will occur.

(For your personal enjoyment, we will try our best not to mention any details about the cutscenes to reduce spoilers.)

Afterwards, Link will be asleep (again) in his house, before being woken up by a curious rabbit creature called Ravio. Link explains to Ravio what happened at the Sanctuary and Ravio suggests to report his experience to Hyrule Castle.

Before Link leaves though, Ravio confesses he has nowhere to stay and begs Link to let him stay at his house. After Link reluctantly agrees (try saying “No” if you’re feeling mean), Ravio gives him a slightly shady gift: Ravio’s Bracelet.

Leave Link’s House and head back to Hyrule Castle again. In case you don’t remember where to go, just go up one screen from Link’s House and you’ll be right there. You know, it must be quite interesting living right next to a castle…

This time, the castle gate is open–walk straight through to find the Hyrule soldiers training or wiping off paint. Speak to the Hyrule soldier in front of the big door and Link will tell him about everything that happened at the Sanctuary.

The soldier doesn’t believe Link though (would you if you heard him?), but luckily Impa does and allows Link inside the castle to see Princess Zelda. Follow Impa through the big door to enter Hyrule Castle.

Before entering the big door, you can open the door to the left and walk down the corridor to find a chest holding a Blue Rupee, worth 5 rupees. It’s not a lot, but better than nothing. Through the big door, Impa tells Link he must wait before he can meet the princess.

For now, you can check the five paintings in front of you to learn about some of Hyrule’s history. In any case, after some time passes, Impa will return to inform that Princess Zelda is now ready for an audience.

Walk up the majestic stairs to your left or right and then head through the central door at the end of the room. In the next room, a cutscene will occur. After listening to Link’s story, Zelda requests Link to seek help from Sahasrahla, the elder of Kakariko Village.

In addition, she leaves Link with a special Charm , kept for generations among the royal family. Well, well, it seems Link is held in high regards by the princess; better not disappoint her, huh?

If you want, once you’re back in the previous room, head through the door to the left or the right, which is no longer blocked by a soldier. Make your way down the corridor and take the exit leading down.

You will be outside Hyrule Castle, on higher ground. From here, head all the way right, then go down and turn left to find a chest containing a Purple Rupee, worth 50 rupees. Smashing!

Once you’re ready to embark, exit Hyrule Castle. Then from the castle area, head one screen left and one screen up to reach the area with the small lake. From here, take the left exit and continue left to find the Fortune-Teller’s tent.

Inside the tent, the Fortune-Teller will bestow Link with the Hint Glasses . Wear this fashionable(?) pair of specs when you get stuck and you may see Hint Ghosts–fork over 1 Play Coin and they will show you how to solve a puzzle.

With this guide in hand, you shouldn’t ever need to use the Hint Glasses or Fortune-Teller though! However, it’s good to have another option at least. When you’re done, leave the tent and go one screen down to enter Kakariko Village.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    18 December 2013
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Released in 1992, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, introduced SNES gamers to a whole new story that took place in the kingdom of Hyrule. This handheld sequel, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds continues this tale – while bringing some unique new elements to the fore as well as fully immersive 3D environments.

Inside Version 1.0:

  • The secrets to beating every dungeon (and boss) with incredible ease.
  • Locate all of the hidden items (such as the Pegasus Boots).
  • Find all 24 Heart Pieces (including that annoying Octoball one).
  • Rescue all 100 MaiMai’s and your rewards for doing so.
  • Fully upgrade your sword with all four hidden Master Ore pieces.
  • Topple the Treacherous Tower with ease and earn those secret weapons!
  • How to use StreetPass to fight mysterious ShadowLinks!
  • Unlock the game’s deepest secrets and Easter Eggs.
  • Screenshots with extra tips to give additional help.

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