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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Octoball Derby

Vincent Lau
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You can play the notorious Octoball Derby mini-game in Lorule, in the open area west of the vacant house and south-east of Thieves’ Town For 50 rupees, you have 30 goes to bat a ball shot from Octo the Octorok pitcher. The aim of the game is to hit the objects in the field and rack up a good score. 100 or more will earn you a Piece of Heart .

Basic Controls

Use the circle pad to change your batting stance. Hold the circle pad DOWN to bat in the faraway area (the trees at the far end) and UP to bat in the area nearby (directly ahead). Leave the circle pad alone to bat in the area between.

Next, press B to swing your bat. The timing of your bat will affect where the ball lands. Bat the ball earlier to send it flying more to the right and later to send it flying more to the left. Of course, bat too early or too late and you miss.

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Welcome to the most deviously devised mini-game in the Zelda universe…


Focus your efforts on getting three pots in a row to trigger the 20-point bearing crow. You only need five of these to guarantee the heart piece (and golden pots are only worth five points each). So you want a system where you can ensure you don’t miss any pots (you can almost guarantee hitting the crow by using a neutral stance and letting the ball home in on the crow over the Octopuss’ head).

So let’s break our system down into easy to follow parts:

  • Hold UP and strike the ball early to hit one of the closer pots to your right .
  • Don’t hold anything and strike early to hit one of the slightly further away pots to your right .
  • Hold DOWN and strike the ball early to hit one of the pots on a tree to your right .
  • This’ll trigger a crow to appear so just hit the ball earlier to watch the ball home in and net you 20 points.
  • Hold UP and strike the ball later to hit one of the closer pots to your left.
  • Don’t hold anything and strike later to hit one of the slightly further away pots to your left .
  • Hold DOWN and strike the ball later to hit one of the pots on a tree to your left .
  • This’ll trigger a crow to appear so just hit the ball earlier to watch the ball home in and net you 20 points.
  • If you’re more confident in your timing, then repeat steps 1 - 8 to net a further 40 points by hitting different pots (from close to farthest away - in that order).
  • Hit one of the crabs (by holding UP to keep the ball low) to reset the broken pots on the field.
  • Repeat until you’ve netted your 100 points target.

Following that system will make getting this heart piece loads easier as you’re systematically smashing pots that you’re most likely to hit . The crow’s the biggest points earner; but if you can hit a golden pot as you’re doing the steps above then all the better.

We’ve added a video of this very strategy in action below with some voice commentary to talk you through it as you watch. We’re very confident with our help you’ll be making light work of what can otherwise be a royal pain in your royal butt.

Octoball Video Guide (With Commentary)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    18 December 2013
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau

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Released in 1992, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, introduced SNES gamers to a whole new story that took place in the kingdom of Hyrule. This handheld sequel, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds continues this tale – while bringing some unique new elements to the fore as well as fully immersive 3D environments.

Inside Version 1.0:

  • The secrets to beating every dungeon (and boss) with incredible ease.
  • Locate all of the hidden items (such as the Pegasus Boots).
  • Find all 24 Heart Pieces (including that annoying Octoball one).
  • Rescue all 100 MaiMai’s and your rewards for doing so.
  • Fully upgrade your sword with all four hidden Master Ore pieces.
  • Topple the Treacherous Tower with ease and earn those secret weapons!
  • How to use StreetPass to fight mysterious ShadowLinks!
  • Unlock the game’s deepest secrets and Easter Eggs.
  • Screenshots with extra tips to give additional help.

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