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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

6/17 - Field Exercises Day 1 (Morning)

Ben Chard
Shane Williams
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Explore the train

#Key information (Train)

New Character Notes Location
Pablo Derfflinger Car 1
Kurt Derfflinger Car 3
Items Location
Vanish (Vantage Masters Card) Derfflinger Car 3

Before you reach your next location for the Field Exercise, there are a few students that you’ll need to talk to first. To begin, speak with Pablo in Car 1 for a Character Note then head into the room 02-A in Car to chat with Major Michael.

(1 of 2) Speak with Pablo in Car 1 for a Character Note

Speak with Pablo in Car 1 for a Character Note (left), then challenge Altina to a game of Vantage Masters for the Vantage Card. (right)

Continue into Car 3 and talk to Kurt twice for his Character Note then challenge Altina to a game of Vantage Masters to acquire the Vanish Card. Finally, make your way down the train and talk to Musse, Towa, and Ash, then return to your room for a well earned nap.

Field Exercises, Day 1 (Morning)

#Key Information

Side Quests Client AP
Yacht-a, Yacht-a, Yacht-a Eston 3(+2)
Love Me Jaded Strauss Orbal Factory 3(+2)
Sub Events Location
Landscape Photo #6 Harbor District
Black Records 6 (Book) Manista’s Bookstore
New Character Notes Location
Musse Count Egret’s Residence
Items Location
Imperial Chronicle - Issue 6 (Book) EX Camp - Stark (100 Mira)
Immoral Hero - Part 3 (Book) Manista’s Bookstore
Coby and the Mysterious Museum - Part 2 (Book) Count Florald’s Residence (2F)
Royal Tea (Gift for Alfin) Kendell Import Foods
Compact Juicer (Gift for Juna) RF Store 2F
Aromatic Tonic (Gift for Ash) Riviera Court
Marion’s Rum (Quest Item) Luciole’s Shop
Rose Perfume (Gift for Sharon) Market Stall
Trilogy Hearts (Gift for Alisa) Stauss Orbal Factory
New Recipes Location
Colorful Bouillabaisse Sea Breeze Tavern & Inn (1,400 Mira)
Fishermans’s Paella Miranda’s Tavern & Inn (1,400 Mira)
New Fish Location
Spikey Puffer Harbor District
Forest Gill Harbor District
Queen Azelfish Auros Coastal Road (Southwest Beach)
Swordfish Auros Coastal Road (Northwest Beach)

Once you’ve arrived in Lamare head out onto the field and speak with Stark to purchase the Imperial Chronicle - Issue 6, then check out Pablo’s stock to upgrade your party’s equipment. Head into Car 5 to upgrade the recently acquired equipment and purchase the new Quartz. Go back out onto the field and talk to Gustaf to begin the Branch Campus Quest, Gustaf’s Gunpowder.

Leave the EX Camp out of the North exit to find yourself in West Lamare Highway 2, here you’ll want exit the area out of the Southwest exit to find yourself in Lamare Highway 1. Here you’ll want to follow the path down to open a Chest on the left which contains Blue Hair - Altina, then head up the right path to enter the Juno Naval Fortress to view a scene.

  • Explore West Lamare Highway
Enemy HP Slash Thrust Pierce Strike Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Creepy Sheep 4183 ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ N/A E - 120, WA - 80, F - 100, WN - 160 Beast Flesh, Smoke Grenade
Rime Butterfly 6441 ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ N/A E - 180, WA - 120, F - 80, WN - 100 Hearty Powder, Fishing Bait
Fell Broodmother 10334 ☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ E - 100, WA - 160, F - 120, WN - 80 Globby Fat, U-Material
Kijimun 10630 N/A E - 120, WA - 80, F - 100, WN - 160 Cast 2, Chrono Burst
Hornbore 17710 ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ N/A ☆☆ E - 100, WA - 160, F - 120, WN - 80 Beast Flesh, Rock Tripe

Once you regain control you’ll want to head back out and explore West Lamare Highway. Follow the path along to the right and interact with the white wall to acquire some Saltpeter, then continue along and take the next left to find a Red Chest that contains a Silver Bell, this halves the delay when using Mirage Arts. Go back out onto the main path and walk to the left to find a Landscape Photo, send this to Vivi and then continue to stick to the right side of the path to find another Chest with All Sepith x50 inside.

Take the next left you come across to find the final Chest of this area which contains Calvary Edge R, this Absorbs HP by 10% when equipped. Finally, take the west exit into Ordis.

Patrol Ordis

After you’ve accepted the Quests set out for todays Field Exercise you’ll want to head into Kleist Mall, here you’ll want to purchase some Royal Tea as a gift for Alfin from Kendell Import Foods on the left. Make your way over to the Manista’s Bookstore to purchase the Black Records 6 along with the Immoral Hero - Part 3, then send it over to Rosine. Finally, go up onto the 2F to purchase the Compact Juicer gift for Juna from the RF Store.

(1 of 2) Head over to the Manista’s Bookstore to pick up the Black Records 6 and The Immoral Hero - Part 3

Head over to the Manista’s Bookstore to pick up the Black Records 6 and The Immoral Hero - Part 3 (left), then go into the RF Store to buy a Compact Juicer for Juna. (right)

Exit the Mall and head into the Riviera Court to purchase the Aromatic Tonic as a gift for Ash in the Drugstore, then go to the opposite side of the room to purchase Marion’s Rum from Luciole’s Shop, this is needed for a Quest later on.

Head back out into the town and take the North exit into North Street, here you’ll want to head down the left path first and enter Count Egret’s Residence to view an event with Musse. After the scene has come to a close you’ll be given Musse’s Character Note, now head into the Sea Breeze Tavern & Inn to purchase the Colorful Bouillabaisse Recipe for 1,400 Mira. Leave the Inn and walk to the left to purchase some Rose Perfume as a gift for Sharon along with some Watermelon Seeds.

(1 of 3) Head into the Sea Breeze Tavern & Inn to purchase the Colorful Bouillabaisse Recipe

Make your way into the Strauss Orbal Factory to purchase Trilogy Hearts as a gift for Alisa, then accept the Side Quest, Love Me Jaded from Strauss himself. Purchase a Ground Sausage from Bartolo’s Sauage Stall, then take the Northwest Exit into the Harbor District. Here you’ll want to drop into Miranda’s Tavern & Inn to purchase the Fishermans’s Paella Recipe for 1,400 Mira, now speak with Lord Michelin outside of the Tavern to unlock the ability to use Horses.

Head up the ramp to the left to find a Landscape Photo, send this to Vivi then go down the dock closest to you to find a Fishing Spot, here you can catch a Spikey Puffer. Once you’re done fishing, head to the east side of the Harbor to accept the Side Quest, Yacht-a, Yatcht-a, Yacht-a.

Side Quest: Yacht-a, Yatcht-a, Yacht-a

Accept the Yacht-a, Yatcht-a, Yacht-a Side Quest from Eston.

After you’ve accepted the Quest you’ll want to examine the boat to your left and speak with the Cheeful Man, then head over to the center dock and examine the small orbal boat before going to the western dock to speak with the Man in Suit, investigate the Cruise Ship and then speak to Angelo. Report the information gathered back to Eston to complete the quest. Upon completion you’ll be given Smoke Grenade and Battle Scopes x10.

Take the Southwest Exit into the Noble District, then head into Count Florald’s Residence to chat to the Purple-Haired Girl (Ferris) to get a Character Note after a scene. Head upstairs and interact with the bookshelf to obtain the Coby and the Mysterious Museum - Part 2 Book. Finally, take the south exit into Auros Coastal Road.

  • Explore Auros Coastal Road
Enemy HP Slash Thrust Pierce Strike Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Wingel 6632 ☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ E - 60, WA - 140, F - 180, WN - 80 Hearty Powder, Battle Scope
Killer Shmark 6632 ☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ E - 160, WA - 120, F - 80, WN - 100 Globby Fat, Fishing Bait
Rotten Lancelet 17696 ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ E - 180, WA - 140, F - 60, WN - 100 Clear Gelatin, Goose Barnacle

Follow the path down and then go left first to find a Red Chest that contains a Freeze II, then head on to the beach opposite you. To begin, go along the path on your left to find a Chest with Passion Leggings inside, this gives you STR/DEF+25 and Prevents Freeze. Use the nearby Fishing Spot to catch yourself a Queen Azelfish and a Forest Gill, then return to the open area and hug the right wall to find a Fine Jade Shell.

(1 of 2) Spend some time fishing down at the beach for two new species

Spend some time fishing down at the beach for two new species (left), then explore the beach for Jade Shells. (right)

Make your way into the center of the area to find a Jade Shell, then go along the right path to find another Chest with some Fishing Bait and then take on the Supreme Giant Isopod.

Sub-boss: Supreme Giant Isopod

Enemy HP Slash Thrust Pierce Strike Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Supreme Giant Isopod 52066 ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆ E - 160, WA - 120, F - 80, WN - 100 Intimidation

Before you begin dealing some damage to these enemies you’ll want to quickly use a Battle Scope on it to add them to your Battle Book. Like most battles you’ll want to begin the battle by using Sledgehammer and then use Spirit Unification on Rean to increase STR/DEF/SPD for three rounds.

Work on getting the Giant Isopod into the Break Status by using Crafts that have an A/A+ Break Rating. Once you’ve achieved this you’ll want use Wind Blade and then perform normal attacks to put a Delay on the boss. Repeat this cycle until the boss is defeated.

Once you’ve dealt with the boss, head back to the main path to view a scene, then go right to find a Chest that contains some Potato Seeds. Finally, go up the hill ahead to face those suspicious guards.

Boss: Purple Jaegers

Enemy HP Slash Thrust Pierce Strike Elemental Efficacy Item Drop
Purple Jaeger - Rifle 34344 ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ E - 100, WA - 100, F - 100, WN - 100 U-Material, EP Charge II
Purple Jaeger - Greatsword 34384 ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ E - 100, WA - 100, F - 100, WN - 100 U-Material, Teara Balm

Before you begin dealing some damage to these enemies you’ll want to quickly use a Battle Scope on both the Purple Jaeger - Greatsword and Rifle to add them to your Battle Book. Start the battle by activating Crazy Hunt, which will increase STR/SPD as well as giving you a 50% Crtical Hit chance, then use Spirit Unifaction on Rean to boost his damage and take them out.

Once they’ve been defeated you’ll view a scene which will then transition you into the Afternoon.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    19 February 2020
  • Last Updated
    31 January 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Shane Williams

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Join Rean on an adventure through Erebonia, where you’ll embark on new journey as a Thors Branch Campus Instructor. Here you’ll explore many locations, face old/new enemies, and find many treasures that give you an advantage in battle as well fancy clothes to help you look the part.

The guide for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III will include all there is to see and do including a walkthrough featuring where to find all Side/Branch Campus Quests, Chests, Books, Cards, Recipes and more. Including in depth guidance on how to beat every boss as well as how to solve and conquer all dungeons.

Inside Version 1.1

  • 100% Walkthrough
  • Trophy Guide/Roadmap
  • Characters
  • Appendix
  • Fish Locations
  • Vantage Master Cards Locations
  • Recipe Locations
  • Book Locations

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