Date | Type | Client | Reward | AP |
4/22 | Side | Reggie - Parm | Gold Hair - Juna, 5000 Mira | 4 |
Speak with Reggie in the Manager’s Residence in Parm to accept the Side Quest. You’ll need to track down a Rainbow Rubia, a Loess Stone and 50 of each of the four base types of Sepith. Quick Travel to Albion Garden Department Store in Saint-Arkh’s Cathedral Square and purchase the Rainbow Rubia from the Luxury Food Sterry Farm store.
(1 of 2) Head to the Albion Garden Department store in Saint-Arkh to find the Rainbow Rubia
Head to the Albion Garden Department store in Saint-Arkh to find the Rainbow Rubia (left), then head north at the first fork to find the Loess Stone. (right)
Make your way to Old Agria Road and take the first left at the first fork followed by taking a right at the next, you’ll find a yellow stone here which is in fact the Loess Stone. Finally, if you need the Sepith, there’s a Chest in Old Agria Road itself containing the 50 you need of each type. Return to Reggie with all of the ingredients to turn them over and complete the Quest.
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