Items |
Red Liquid |
Classified Seed |
Purple Liquid |
Green Liquid |
Magic Carta No. 52 |
Mythical Scale |
160000 Gald |
Magic Carta No. 54 |
Grey Liquid |
Magic Carta No. 53 |
Incredible Bone |
Yellow Liquid |
Phact Phantasia |
Discoveries |
Data Transmitter |
Skits |
Three of a Kind |
Five-Star Special |
Ephinea on Line Two |
Watch the Three of a Kind skit at the save point and then descend to floor 2. When you arrive you’ll notice that a Burn effect is in place, meaning that you will begin each battle with this effect. Each floor of the depths has a different status effect that you’ll have to deal with and I suggest you equip charms for added protection.
Head to the big red crystal to watch the Five-Star Special skit and then head southwest until you see a big golem. Fighting the golems on each floor will grant you a liquid matching the status’ color, in this case a Red Liquid, and you can then return to the crystal to use the liquid to stop the effect and move two platforms.
You can now continue southwest back to the golem’s location and head east until you reach a large pillar, which you can check to create a path, and then continue northeast to descend.
Start by heading southwest to get a Classified Seed and then head northwest to eventually reach the next Golem for the Purple Liquid. You can now backtrack and head northeast to the crystal to destroy it with the liquid and descend via the nearby lift.
This floor has an extremely damaging Poison, so equip the charms or your Poisonproof titles and make sure your characters with Antidote are in the party. Start by heading west until you reach the golem for the Green Liquid and then grab nearby chest for the Magic Carta No. 52.
Make your way back to the lift and head southeast, taking the west path to cross over the pillar you broke earlier and then check another pillar to create a new path, and then head back north and east to reach a Mythical Scale. You can now head east to the green crystal before taking the nearby lift.
Weakness is the next effect you’ll need to deal with, so start by grabbing the Magic Carta No. 54 to the east and then head southwest to reach the chest with 160000 Gald.
You should be able to spot the golem to the northwest to fight the golem for the Grey Liquid and then check the nearby glyph to ascend to a floor with the Paralysis effect.
Grab the Magic Carta No. 53 from the nearby chest and then follow the path examine the Data Transmitter discovery, watch the Ephinea on Line Two skit, and then grab the Incredible Bone in the chest to the west.
You can now make your way back to the lift to descend, heading northeast to use the liquid to nullify the eleth effect and then make your way southwest, east, and south to check the glyph and ascend.
Start by going northeast to find the golem for the Yellow Liquid and then backtrack and head northwest to reach the final crystal. With the platform fully lowered, head back to the south to descend again and then head northwest toward the grey crystal to take the lift just southwest of it to descend to level 7.
Make sure to head northeast to grab the Phact Phantasia from the large platform you lowered and then return southwest to the two-way warp to head back to the shuttle.
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