Items |
Sage |
Symphonian Scepter |
Scars of Eternia |
Magic Carta No. 60 |
Magic Carta No. 61 |
Tempest Bringer |
500 Unit(s) of Eleth |
Efreet Cloak |
Verbena x2 |
Magic Carta No. 62 |
Skits |
A Simple Courtesy |
Half-Cocked |
Friends Again |
A Kingly Cloak |
Titles |
Pascal: Same Old, Same Old |
Head to the Enclave for a scene and then head to the Inn’s save point for the A Simple Courtesy skit.
Warp over to the Fendel Glacier Ruins for a scene and then make your way to the valkines, grabbing the restocked chests with a Sage, Symphonian Scepter, Scars of Eternia, Magic Carta No. 60, Magic Carta No. 61, Tempest Bringer, and 500 Unit(s) of Eleth.
Make your way to the valkines, grabbing the many chests on the way for great weapons.
As you advance toward the valkines you’ll want to make sure to check the save point for the Half-Cocked skit and then proceed to the valkines for a scene and a fight.
After the scene you gain Pascal’s Same Old, Same Old title and can check the nearby save point for the Friends Again skit. Instead of using the warp, head to tunnel in the northwest to grab the Efreet Cloak, Verbena x2, Magic Carta No. 62, and A Kingly Cloak skit for equipping the new cloak on the way to Lorelia’s grave.
On the way to Lorelia’s grave grab the treasure and equip the Efreet Cloak for a sit.
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