Items |
Elven Cloak |
Darkshine Crystal |
Book of Talent |
285 Unit(s) of Eleth |
Fortress Key |
Titanium Scabbard |
Apple Gel x4 |
Discoveries |
300 Year-Old Barrel |
Skits |
Inside the Ruins |
Sword of Salvation |
Windor Rising |
The Price of Violence |
Titles |
Richard: Belligerant Prince |
In order to get into Wallbridge you’ll have to go through the Wallridge Ruins, via the Highroad. Warp into the ruins to take the north block for the skit Inside the Ruins near the next set of blocks and then head west. Use the green block on this platform to ascend, where you’ll get a scene, and then warp out.
Head to the ruins and make your way to the warp, getting a skit on the way.
You start on the basement floor of the southwest tower and need to head north to another tower, where you can grab an Elven Cloak from the chest. Climb the ladder in the center of the room up two floors, since there is nothing on the 1st floor, and leave to the south.
Head to the center of this area to the save for the Sword of Salvation skit and then return to previous tower and leave to the north. In the next tower, go down two floors to the basement and pull the lever, raising the northern bridge for a scene. Leave through the northern door to a room with the 300 Year-Old Barrel discovery and Windor Rising skit and then head back to the previous tower and backtrack up the ladder two floors.
Get the skits at the save point in the south and then one at the discovery in the northwest.
Take the north door this time to the northwest tower to get a Darkshine Crystal and then climb up the ladder and cross to the other side. Climb down the ladder for a chest with the Book of Talent and then go south to the next tower, taking the ladder all the way down to the basement to find a Turtlez and 285 Unit(s) of Eleth .
There is nothing north, so climb back up two floors and then head through the door south. Go through the west door here for a scene that gets you the Fortress Key and Richard’s Belligerent Prince title.
Enter the main tower for a scene, with an scary outcome before getting the Fortress Key.
After the scene, grab the Titanium Scabbard from the nearby chest and leave the central tower. Head south to the next tower, climbing all the way down to the basement to pull a lever for a scene.
Exit south to the southeast tower for Apple Gel x4 and then head back to the lever tower and climb up two floors to continue south, leading back to the area with the save. Cross the bridge to the other side and head to the south tower to climb down and pull the other lever for another scene and then leave through the door for another scene and a fight.
Boss: ???¶
This boss comes with two standard Royal Swordsmen, who you should focus on taking out first. Once the two minions are defeated you can focus on the boss, who uses a ranged weapon and primarily uses B-Artes.
Focus on using A-Artes, since he is weak to them, and keep your party topped up on HP, since this boss can dish out quite a bit of damage via his ranged weapon and B-Artes. The best strategy is to go all out and perform combos to stun the boss, preventing him from being able to cast his B-Artes. You can also use a Mystic Arte, if you happen to have an Eleth Burst trigger in the fight or built up the gauge before the fight.
Focus your attention on the Royal Swordsmen and then kill the main target, using a Mystic Arte if you have it trigger during the fight.
After the scene, head north and go down the ladder a floor and exit the door to reach the outside, heading south for a scene.
Once Cheria joins the party, head north toward the bridge and enter the tower on the right. Climb up one floor and exit south to enter the central tower for the The Price of Violence skit near the guards and then go back the way you came. Head down to the basement and exit north to the northeast tower and take the warp to the Wallbridge Ruins.
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