Items |
Destiny Breakers |
Alluring Feather |
Rebirth Crusader |
Sword of Legendia |
Innocent Shiners |
Deathly Abyss |
Magic Carta No. 51 |
Luminous Core |
Mythology Bearer |
80000 Gald |
Discoveries |
Mining Samples |
Skits |
The Emperor’s Old Clothes |
Inner Workings |
Beat the Clock |
Believing in Lambda |
Head to the save next to the shuttle for the skit The Emperor’s Old Clothes and then head all the way south to a warp.
Head south to a split and then go east, taking the second split south to the Destiny Breakers before taking the lift (A) to descend. Watch the Inner Workings skit and then head west to another lift (B) and descend. Head west for a chest with an Alluring Feather and backtrack northeast to warp (C) back up.
Watch the skit an then head down to grab the chest with an Alluring Feather.
This takes you back to the 1st southern path you passed earlier, so head northwest to the start.
Make your way north to a split and then go southeast to another split, heading southwest to the Rebirth Crusader. Backtrack north to the large split and continue north this time, following it all the way west to eventually take a lift in the southwest corner (D). Hug the wall as you continue south to another lift (E) and then take the next warp (F).
Make your way southeast to a large area, where you can grab the Sword of Legendia in the northeast, and then follow the path to another lift (G).
Make your way through the shaft to get the two Tales of themed weapons.
This large area is mostly empty, so head northwest until you hit a dead end and then continue northeast to a chest with the Innocent Shiners. You can now go southeast and take the first path to a lift (H), which has nothing except a warp that returns you to the first level.
Head south, west and north back to the entrance and then go north, northwest, and south to a lift (J) to descend. Head all the way east to reach the Deathly Abyss weapon and then return to the split and go north to another lift (K). Follow the path south to grab the Magic Carta No. 51 and then continue east to warp back up (L).
Grab the Deathly Abyss before you take the lift to reach the Magic Carta on the next level.
Backtrack northwest to the second intersection and then go southwest to reach the entrance again, taking the eastern lift (M). Follow the path to a Luminous Core and then head west to a warp (N). You can now head northwest, taking the south path to return to the lift (D), and then make your way southeast and then north to a lift (Q).
Directly north is the control panel that you can use for a scene, that shows the platforms rising and the stairs moving, and then head back south and take the west set of stairs to check the non-visible corner for the Mythology Bearer.
Access the control panel to lower the stairs and allow you to the get chest on the left side.
You can now continue north to take the warp (R) back to the first floor.
Return to the entrance by heading south, east, and southwest to take the western warp (P) and then head east to a chest with 80000 Gald, getting the Believing in Lambda skit at the save point. To the north you’ll find the Mining Samples discovery and can watch the Beat the Clock skit and then head west to the save, saving before taking the northern lift.
Get the skit at the save point and then check the discovery for another skit at the discovery.
Boss: Little Queen (Magic)¶
This version of the Little Queen will focus on casting magic and does not have a lot of HP, but your must focus your aggressive attacks on her so she does not spellcast your party to death.
I suggest you have high damage AOE characters in your party and switch your focus to her immediately and let your allies take out the common enemies. Use the red aura from guarding to break through Little Queen’s defense and interrupt her spells, while avoiding her Mystic Arte, and you should end this battle pretty quickly.
This version of the Little Queen is a caster (left) and you’ll need to be aggressive until she is so low in health that she begins to use normal attacks (right).
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