Items |
Magic Carta No. 75 |
Rosemary |
Gas Control Lever |
Magic Carta No. 78 |
1000 Unit(s) of Eleth |
Memory Data |
Magic Carta No. 76 |
Discoveries |
Core-Sample Log |
Skits |
Crafty Women |
A Painful Finish |
A Few of Her Favorite Things |
Bearer of Bad Tidings |
Scent of a Woman |
After the scene you can check the save point for the Crafty Women skit and then head to the eastern lift to descend. Take the east path for the A Painful Finish skit at the puzzle and then check the control panel.
You’ll need to lower the blue and yellow sections, while raising the red section, to reach a Magic Carta No. 75 and you can then return to the machine to reset the blocks. This time, raise the red section twice and the yellow section once, while lowering the blue section to cross and enter the Control Room.
Grab the Magic Carta and then move the puzzle to allow you to cross to the opposite side.
Pass through the Control Room to grab the Rosemary in the southeast corner and then continue west through another room to reach the next puzzle. Lower the yellow section twice and raise the blue section twice to cross to the other side and then use the new machine to reset the puzzle. You can now raise blue section twice, yellow section once, and lower the red section to reach the Gas Control Lever.
With the lever you can now turn off the gas to the south, so reset the puzzle and lower the yellow section twice and raise the blue section twice to reach the other side. Continue south to the machine and use the lever to turn the gas off for the the Magic Carta No. 78 and then head back to the previous puzzle and continue through the door.
Follow the path north to another elevator to make your way to the lab’s center for a scene and then head east to the save point for the A Few of Her Favorite Things skit. Descend the nearby elevator and follow the path to a new room with 1000 Unit(s) of Eleth, the Core-Sample Log discovery, the Scent of a Woman skit and the Bearer of Bad Tidings skit at the save point. Make sure to save before you continue for a fight.
Examine the discovery for a skit and then check the save point for another skit.
After the scene you’ll get the Memory Data and have to quickly grab the Magic Carta No. 76. Rush to the northern elevator and ascend to make your way to the shuttle for an exciting escape.
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