Items |
Security Pass |
Skits |
Practice Makes Perfect |
This Won’t Do |
One More Time |
Now I Know |
Plan B |
A Blind Eye |
Titles |
Sophie: Pact Adherent |
Malik: Youthful Revolutionary |
There’s not much to do except head back to Zavhert, on foot. Why? Before entering the city you need to stop by the save point at the west gate for the Practice Makes Perfect skit and fight. There are three potential outcomes:
- Lose: This Won’t Do
- Retry: One More Time
- Win: Now I Know and Sophie’s Pact Adherent title
Sophie will wish to fight you, so focus on blocking her attacks to take her down.
Enter Zavhert for a scene and then head east toward the shops to talk to the man with the bubble over his head for another quick scene. Make sure to enter the Zavhert Inn for the Plan B skit and then rest for a missable scene.
Head back outside to talk to the two people with bubbles in the plaza and then head south, toward the east gate, and then take a left to another star for a scene. Continue west to talk to the next person with a chat bubble and then head inside the house for a scene with Fermat so you can get the Security Pass, needed to enter Fendel Tower.
Watch the memories of Malik and then meet Fermat to gain the pass to Fendel Tower.
Finally, make your way back to the plaza and enter the Zavhert Inn for another star with the scene between Malik, Kurt, and Lorelia.
Exit the plaza to the north to reach Fendel Tower for another scene, gaining Malik’s Youthful Revolutionary, and then turn around and go back the Zavhert Inn to watch the A Blind Eye skit.
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