Items |
Grape Gel x3 |
Tiger’s Essence |
Mythril Tunic |
Curse Charm |
Dangerous Liquid |
Goggles |
660 Unit(s) of Eleth |
Rare Metal |
Earthen Pot |
Book of Growth |
Magical Ribbon |
Discoveries |
Yearning for Home |
Mechanical Scrapyard |
Skits |
Am Not. Am Too! |
Hometown Hero |
Bonus Goal |
Not Exactly Our Forte |
It’s a Secret to Everybody |
Watch the Am Not. Am Too! skit after entering and then enter the door in front of you to turn on the power in the building.
Take the steps to the west door, making sure the device is pointing toward the door, and enter for the Grape Gel x3. You can now exit, cross to the other side of the area, and enter the east room for the Yearning for Home discovery and Hometown Hero skit. Head back to the main area and continue through the middle door.
Check the rooms on each site for some Gels and a discovery, watching the skit that follows.
As soon as you enter turn left for the Tiger’s Essence and then point the nearby device up the stairs for a Mythril Tunic. You can now return to the device and point it to the nearby door and follow the light north to a split.
Power the west door, twice, to reach a Curse Charm and then head back to the first device and power the east door. In the next room, power the east door to get the Dangerous Liquid before you power the north door to continue to a new area.
Take the first set of stairs to grab the Goggles and then continue up the stairs to another split with 660 Unit(s) of Eleth in a chest on the east wall.
Check the device to power both doors and take the west door, powering the west doors to reach the Mechanical Scrapyard discovery, a Rare Metal, and Bonus Goal skit, and then power the north doors until you reach the final doorway.
Power both doors and take the western path to reach the discovery for a skit.
You can now backtrack to the east door, powering the east door at the split for an Earthen Pot, and then continue until the final door is fully powered.
Enter the newly opened doorway to a massive puzzle with a Book of Growth in the corner and then head to the save point for the Not Exactly Our Forte skit. Power the east door for a Magical Ribbon and then power the northern door to encounter a fight.
Get the skit at the save point and the final treasure before you power the door.
Boss: Polycarpus¶
The Polycarpus is actually a pretty easy boss, due to it’s slow movement and long overhead arm swipe that can be easily side-stepped. Focus your attacks on the enemy’s Impact and Paralysis weakness with skills like Shockwave Slash and Plasma Shock, while guarding its melee attacks that sometimes come in a long chain attack of stabbing your character over and over.
One the Polycarpus brings its back up and the twin guns it can use additional attacks:
- When it ducks down and it’s “head” raises it will shoot out three rays, two from the guns and one from the mouth
- When it ducks low and opens its back it will toss bombs across the arena in a fairly random pattern
Defeating the Polycarpus in 60 seconds will net you a trophy.
This boss has two forms: guns down and guns up mode, each with unique attacks.
Watch the scene that follows and then use the one-way warp to reach the Untrodden Snowfield for a scene and fight. Finally, check the save point for the It’s a Secret to Everybody skit and then use the Turtlez to get return to Seaside Cavern.
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