Items |
1300 Gald |
Overgrown Crystal |
Magic Carta No. 7 |
Green Cryas |
Carrot x3 |
Mariner’s Musk |
Slow Charm |
Discoveries |
Carrots |
Skits |
Weird Science |
Overdue Maintenance |
Titles |
Pascal: Wind Summoner |
Head west to grab the chest with 1300 Gald and then follow the path until you head north up a hill, looking behind the western tree for an Overgrown Crystal . Continue north and just to the west of the man with the smiley face should be a sparkling spot in some tall grass, which may give you the rare Magic Carta No. 7 .
If you talk to the smiley face bandit three times in a row you’ll trigger a fight, which grants you Pascal’s Wind Summoner title and the Green Cryas .
Make sure to get the Magic Carta and fight the Bandit Lord for Pascal’s tWind Summoner.
North even more is a patch of orange that can be examined to discover Carrots , gain Carrot x3 , and unlock the Weird Science skit. Hug the east wall as you continue north to find a chest with the Mariner’s Musk and then head back to the road and continue north, eventually coming to another chest with a Slow Charm .
Going further will lead you back to East Lhant Highroad, but you still can’t enter Lhant or Barona. That being said, make sure to head to East Lhant Highroad to get the skit Overdue Maintenance and then head back to Gralesyde.
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