Items |
Grape Gel x2 |
2320 Gald |
Peach Gel x3 |
Holy Bottle x2 |
255 Unit(s) of Eleth |
2160 Gald |
Mastery Tonic C |
Drop Bottle |
Eleth Bottle C |
Book of Precedence |
Take the southern blue block to and platform and descend via a green block. Follow the only block and then the most eastern-most block to pop the gold one up and then take the other blue block on this platform. Head west across a blue block to get the Grape Gel x2 and then head back to the previous platform and ascend via the green block to get 2320 Gald .
Clear out the southern section of the ruins first, before you backtrack to the warp.
Descend and backtrack by following this path:
- South
- West
- Ascend
Take the eastern block and follow the path to a chest with Peach Gel x3 and then backtrack to the warp:
- East
- West
- North
Take the western block this time to ascend via the green block and then take the southern blue block. Follow the path until you see the purple block and then use the nearby blue block to knock it across the gap. You can now follow the blocks back to the eastern blue block that will take you to the purple block you moved, taking the only blue block to eventually reach the Holy Bottle x2 . Return to the green block and descend to get the 255 Unit(s) of Eleth and then head back to the other green block to the west and descend again.
Get the Holy Bottle and Eleth units before you make your way back toward the warp.
Head to the northern block this time and then ride the nearby green one to ascend upstairs.
The northern blue block will eventually lead you to a chest with 2160 Gald and a gold block you can tap, while the eastern blue block from the green blocks platform will allow you to hit the other gold block. You can now head back and take the first green block you come across to descend to get a Mastery Tonic C and then ascend back up, head west, and descend again via the original green block.
Descend via the other green block to the east and take the only path a split, where you’ll want to take the northern block to tap another gold block. Take the eastern blue block, following the path to another green one and ascend.
The only block here will lead to a Drop Bottle , so grab it and then backtrack via the green block. Take the northern blue block this time for an Eleth Bottle C and then head west to ascend via a green block. With all the gold blocks in place, you can now get the Book of Precedence .
After aligning all the gold blocks, grab the Eleth Bottle C and then make your way up to the chest with the Book of Precedence.
Now head back to Wallbridge via this path:
- Descend
- East
- South
- West
- West
- North
- Ascend
- South
- East
- Warp
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