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– Lhant –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Panacea Bottle x2 150 Items Paralysis Charm
Shattered Bone x2 320 Items Panacea Bottle x2
Apple Pie 510 Gald 1,020
Animal Glue 720 Items Lovely Ribbon
Quiche 950 Gald 1,900
Dark Bottle x3 1,200 Items Sage
Pudding 1,470 Gald 2,940
Rusted Nail 1,760 Items Magic Carta No. 63
Music Box 2,070 Gald 4,140
Pretty Ribbon 2,400 Items Gear Puzzle
Feather Badge 3,120 Gald 6,240
Fame and Faith (Noble) 3,920 Gald 7,840
Bizarre Clump 4,800 Items Slivers of Dusk
Lunar Anklet 5,760 Gald 11,520
Soul Orb 6,800 Items Rare Guard
Double Cheeseburger 7,920 Items Red Sage
Assorted Flowers 1,760 Items Iron Gauntlets
Anonymous Letter 2,400 Gald 4,800
Beloved Handkerchief 3,120 Gald 6,240 & Charbroiler
Ship Model 3,920 Gald 7,840
Prism Rainers (Perilous) 13,200 Gald 26,400

– Barona –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Decaying Fang x2 105 Items Poison Charm
Grilled Chicken Bowl 320 Items Polished Bronze Scabbard
Bronze Scabbard 510 Items Apple Gel x3
Pork Cutlet Bowl 720 Items Life Bottle x2
Fishing Rod 950 Items Steel Knives
Beef Bowl 1,200 Gald 2,400
Holy Bottle x3 1,470 Items Dark Bottle x3
Hairpin 1,760 Items Magic Carta No. 65
Natural Scent 2,070 Gald 4,140
Poison Fruit 2,400 Gald 4,800
Battle Sword (Formal) 3,120 Items Eleth Bottle EX
Lovely Ribbon 3,920 Gald 7,840
Giant Hammer (Solemn) 4,800 Gald 9,600
Carbon Rod 5,760 Gald 11,520
Clear Core x3 6,800 Gald 13,600
Fireproof Cloth 7,920 Items Devil’s Crescent
Royal Knights’ Documents 1,760 Items Iron Sword & Teacher’s Pet title
Windor’s Military History 2,400 Gald 4,800
Windor Crest 3,120 Gald 6,240
Tuning Fork 3,920 Items GC Bowl & Amber Vestments
The Peepinator (Fabulous) 13,200 Gald 26,400

– Gralesyde –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Shell Chalk 105 Items Burn Charm
Syrup Bottle x3 320 Items Cute Anklet
Pasta Carbonara 510 Items Syrup Bottle x3
Fine Wood 720 Gald 1,440
Vellum 950 Gald 1,900
Life Bottle x2 1,200 Items Saffron
Pasta Vongole 1,470 Gald 2,940
Pretty Anklet 1,760 Items Magic Carta No. 66
Hazardous Liquid 2,070 Gald 4,140
Katana (Cute) 2,400 Gald 4,800
Horn 3,120 Items Mastery Tonic C
Knight Armor (Hard) 3,920 Gald 7,840
Tuna x2 4,800 Gald 9,000
Deicide Blade 5,760 Gald 11,520
Prince Plushie 6,800 Items Red Saffron
Neptune’s Rod 7,920 Gald 15,840
Carrot x5 1,760 Gald 3,520
Green Cryas 2,400 Gald 4,800
Wallbridge Evidence 3,120 Items Forktorquer
Businezz Application 3,920 Gald 7,840
Isleberg (Poignant) 13,200 Gald 26,400

– Oul Raye –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Salisbury Steak x2 170 Items Slow Charm
Pretty Scarf 350 Gald 700
Hard Scale 560 Items Peach Gel x2
Collar Frills 790 Items Beautiful Scarf
Eleth Bottle C 1,050 Items Rune Tunic
Hamburger 1,320 Items Hardened Steel Scabbard
Steel Scabbard 1,620 Gald 3,240
Busted Blade 1,940 Gald 3,880
Necklace 2,280 Items Magic Carta No. 67
Drop Bottle 2,640 Gald 5,280
Stinky Bag 3,430 Gald 6,860
Magical Mirror 4,310 Items Mastery Tonic EX
Gold Glasses 5,280 Gald 10,560
Ice Coffin (Sketchy) 6,340 Gald 12,680
Hand of Glory 7,480 Gald 14,960
The Theory of Evolution 8,710 Gald 17,420
Book of Rare Creatures 1,940 Items Rune Bladerang
Trade Permit 2,640 Gald 5,280
Sunken Cargo 3,430 Gald 6,860
Abandoned Cargo 4,310 Gald 8,620
Pike Pike (Haughty) 14,520 Items Scholar’s Monocle

– Sable Izolle –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Floral Anklet 170 Items Stone Charm
Anonymous Seed x3 350 Items Freshblood Ribbon
Curry 560 Gald 1,120
Fine File 790 Items Rune Gauntlets
Whirling Seashell 1,050 Gald 2,100
Pork Curry 1,320 Items Fancy Floral Anklet
Red Ribbon 1,620 Gald 3,240
Spirit Mask 1,940 Gald 3,880
Chicken Curry 2,280 Gald 4,560
Fruit Knives (Wicked) 2,640 Gald 5,280
Frying Pan 3,430 Items Magic Carta No. 68
Suspicious Powder 4,310 Gald 8,620
Strange Gear x2 5,280 Gald 10,560
Soft Stone 6,340 Gald 12,680
The Illusionist (Fabulous) 7,480 Gald 14,960
Pinafore Dress (Gracious) 8,710 Items Hourglass
Blue Cryas 1,940 Items Rune Blouse
Investigation Report 2,640 Items Rice Omelette
Treasured Picture 3,430 Gald 6,860
Proof of Another World 4,310 Gald 8,620
Valkyraffe (Vigorous) 14,520 Gald 29,040

– Yu Liberte –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Titanium Scabbard 170 Items Ice Pop x5
White Wine x2 350 Items Rose’s Whisper
Soaring Crystal 560 Gald 1,120
Cheese x3 790 Items Verbena
Iron Bladerang (Suave) 1,050 Items Rune Guard
Venomous Needle 1,320 Gald 2,640
Caustic 1,620 Items Magic Carta No. 83
Pretty Feather 1,940 Gald 3,880
Mastery Tonic C 2,280 Items Grape Gel x3
Scarlet Aroma 2,640 Items Fine Titanium Scabbard
Imperial Egg 3,430 Gald 6,860
Finest Fur x2 4,310 Gald 8,620
Imperial Crest 5,280 Gald 10,560
Miso Stew 6,340 Items Felling Wind
Estelle Plushie 7,480 Items Red Verbena
Arc of the Covenant 8,710 Gald 17,420
Polishing Tools 1,940 Items Rune Knives & Steadfast Denier title
Cherished Locket 2,640 Gald 5,280 & Lucky Girl title
Hand-Drawn Map 3,430 Gald 6,880 & Gillshiner
Seablue Statue 4,310 Gald 8,620
Voltekka (Dazzling) 14,520 Gald 29,040

– Warrior’s Roost –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Pointy Fang x3 170 Items Freeze Charm
Beef with Red Wine Sauce x2 350 Gald 700
Overgrown Crystal 560 Items Hot-Blooded Scarf
Red Scarf 790 Items Battle Sword
Quill Pen 1,050 Gald 2,100
Upper Quarry Stone x2 1,320 Items Plain Glasses
Grape Parfait 1,620 Gald 3,240
Simple Frames 1,940 Gald 3,880
Grape Gel x3 2,280 Items Battle Shotstaff
Garm’s Fangs (Frosty) 2,640 Gald 5,280
Bone Key 3,430 Items Magic Carta No. 84
Mystical Allure 4,310 Gald 8,620
Marbled Radish Steak 5,280 Gald 10,560
Gear Puzzle 6,340 Gald 12,680
Decisive Dice 7,480 Gald 14,960
Rare Gauntlets (Haughty) 8,710 Gald 17,420
Daily Medicine 1,940 Gald 3,880 Gald & Kitty’s Paw
Requiem 2,640 Gald 5,280
Lost Anklet 3,430 Gald 6,860
Hero Staff 4,310 Gald 8,620
OSOS- (Gallant) 14,520 Items Weird Ribbon

– Velanik –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Rice x12 180 Items Savory
Fur x4 380 Gald 760
Veggie Set x3 610 Gald 1,220
Lantern 860 Items Black Blouse
Bread x12 1,140 Gald 2,280
Blazing Crystal 1,440 Items Fancy Glasses
Pasta x12 1,760 Items Drop Bottle
Fancy Fur x3 2,110 Gald 4,220
Seafood Set x5 2,480 Items Magic Carta No. 85
Flamberge (Magical) 2,880 Gald 5,760
Elixir 3,740 Gald 7,480
Mandarin Scarf 4,700 Gald 9,400
Stuffed Doll 5,760 Items Red Savory
Annals of the Almesera 6,910 Gald 13,820
Deathwing Wine 8,160 Gald 16,320
Cocktail Dress (Gallant) 9,500 Gald 19,000
Spoon 2,110 Items Battle Gauntlets
Spade 2,880 Items Elixir
Drill 3,740 Items All-Divide
Best Princess Stories x5 4,700 Gald 9,400
Looper Wooper (Gracious) 15,840 Items Fluffy Muffler

– Zavhert –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Red Wine x3 180 Items Weak Charm
Expensive Desk 380 Gald 760
Crab x3 610 Gald 1,220
Salmon Pie 860 Items Platinum Guard
Silver Frames 1,140 Gald 2,280
Bracelet 1,440 Items Magic Carta No. 86
Sea Bream x2 1,760 Gald 3,520
Possessed Crystal 2,110 Items Gold Glasses
Curried Cod 2,480 Gald 4,960
Beastfang Blade (Barbed) 2,880 Gald 5,760
Damascus Steel 3,740 Items Arcane Bottle
Secret Seed x2 4,700 Gald 9,400
Knightwater 5,760 Gald 11,460
Balloon Cloth 6,910 Gald 13,820
Miso-Glazed Cod 8,160 Items Eleth Bottle C
Toxic Fluid 9,500 Items Eastern Wind
Raw Materials 2,110 Items Platinum Bladerang
Rockgagong Fur 2,880 Gald 5,760 & Imposing Figure title
Strahta Ratchet 3,740 Items Banana Pie
Evidence of Espionage 4,700 Gald 9,400
Third Supernova (Magical) 15,840 Gald 31,680

– Amarcian Enclave –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Pyrogen 190 Items Seal Charm
Strong Bone x3 400 Items Chamomile
Stew 640 Gald 1,280
Poison Brew 900 Items Mandarin Scarf
Moon Anklet 1,190 Items Mystical Allure
Beef Stew 1,500 Gald 3,000
Earring 1,840 Items Lunar Anklet
Core Fragment x2 2,200 Gald 4,400
Seafood Stew 2,590 Items Magic Carta No. 87
Frenzy Rod (Untamed) 3,000 Items Platinum Glasses
Decaying Sword x10 3,900 Gald 7,800
Rainbow Lens 4,900 Gald 9,800
Heavenly Ore 6,000 Items Red Chamomile
Black Ring 7,200 Gald 14,400
White Ring 8,500 Gald 17,000
Middy Blouse (Olden) 9,900 Items Ancient Khakkhara
Emperor’s Claw x3 2,220 Items Platinum Dualblade
Research Sample 3,000 Items Book of Holy Water
Gauss’s Seal 3,900 Gald 7,800
Kurt’s Pendant 4,900 Gald 9,800
Dreamer’s Flange (Perilous) 16,500 Gald 33,000

– Telos Astue –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Working Gear x3 200 Items Curse Charm
Gelatin 420 Gald 840
Egg x12 660 Gald 1,320
Chocolate Pudding 940 Gald 1,880
Ring 1,240 Gald 2,480
Glassphere 1,560 Gald 3,120
Soul Orb 1,910 Items Rosemary
Green Scarf 2,290 Items Magic Carta No. 88
Hourglass 2,690 Gald 5,380
Strahteme Horn 3,120 Gald 6,240
Heavenly Garb (Fabulous) 4,060 Gald 8,120
Freshblood Ribbon 5,100 Items Mythril Knives
Spice Set x3 6,240 Gald 12,480
Masklike Object 7,490 Items Red Rosemary
Violent Crystal 8,840 Items Danzo’s Gauntlets
Cantarella 10,300 Gald 20,600
Replacement Part 2,290 Gald 4,580
Drive Unit 3,120 Gald 6,240
Broken Brooch 4,060 Items Crablettes
Data Recorder 5,100 Gald 10,200
Shining Talons (Fabulous) 17,160 Gald 34,320

– Katz Korner –

Requested SP Bonus Reward Details
Glowfruit 230 Magic Carta No. 89
Sharp Claw 480 950
Tanned Leather 770 Lavender
Peach Parfait 1,080 2,160
Miso x2 1,430 2,860
Goggles 1,800 Rare Tunic
Kitchen Knife 2,210 4,420
Fly Lure 2,640 Magic Carta No. 90
Stone Clock 3,110 6,220
Seafood Set 3,600 Red Lavender
Baronan Blades (Cool) 4,680 9,360
Elegant Feather x3 5,880 11,760
Stream Rod 7,200 14,400
Soul Orb x50 30,000 Katz Klothez
Wings of Icarus 10,200 20,400
Expensive Crown 11,880 Rare Sword
Winner’s Trophy 2,640 5,280
Liquisilk Fabric 3,600 7,200 & Modern Youth title
Pearl Windthread 4,680 9,360 & Innocent Maiden title
Shark Fin 5,880 11,760 & Scarlet Vestments
Kittlets (Untamed) 19,800 Mythril Anklet
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment, Namco Bandai Games
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, Wii, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    18 March 2013
  • Last Updated
    4 February 2025
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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In the world of Ephinea, a civilization flourishes through the use of “Eleth,” a substance found in a material called “Crius.” Three kingdoms - Windor, Strata and Fendel - struggle for dominance of the world, while in the remote Windor town of Lhant, the eldest son of Baron Aston, 18 year old Asbel, strives to become a fully-fledged knight. However, Asbel is forced to give up his dream when his father passes away and he is obliged to succeed him as the Baron of Lhant. So begins a journey that will test friendships to the limit.

Inside our detailed guide:

  • Complete story mode with ease.
  • Expert boss strategies.
  • All Skits and materials.
  • Location to every weapon, piece of armor and unique equipment.
  • Discover everything you need to achieve 100% game completion rating!

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