Items |
Brave Vesperia |
500 Unit(s) of Eleth |
Magic Carta No. 57 |
Seraphic Hearts |
Fandom’s Light |
Undine Cloak |
Magic Carta No. 59 |
Rosemary x2 |
Skits |
A Girl in Every Port |
Loose Lips |
Where Friendship Goes |
After watching the scene and being forced into a fight, watch the A Girl in Every Port skit and then you’ll have to make our way through the ruins once again.
Head east to grab the Brave Vesperia before solving the nearby puzzle (red > yellow > blue) and then follow the path, grabbing the 500 Unit(s) of Eleth, and take the left stairs to a Magic Carta No. 57. Backtrack to the other set of stairs to continue to another puzzle (yellow to blue to red) and the proceed to the next optional puzzle (yellow to red to blue) for the Seraphic Hearts .
Make sure to grab the Magic Carta and then complete both puzzles for Sophie’s weapons.
Continue west, ignoring the northern steps, to reach the chest with Fandom’s Light and then backtrack to take the northern path you ignored. Cross the puzzle (blue to yellow to red) and grab the Undine Cloak near the save point, making sure to watch the Loose Lips skit.
You can now head to the valkines for a scene and a fight. Before you leave you should make sure to head to the left of the valkines to grab the Magic Carta No. 59 and head toward the exit. After another quick scene, head south a bit to grab the Rosemary x2 and then watch the Where Friendship Goes skit.
Get the Magic Carta by the valkines and then head toward the exit for a skit about Sophie.
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