Items |
Magic Carta No. 28 |
Life Bottle x2 |
Ancient Cloth |
Elixir |
Rice x2 |
Lump of Clay |
Amazing Bone |
Natto |
Emperor’s Claw |
Broken Brooch |
4860 Gald |
Discoveries |
Unsettling Garden |
Skits |
Sophie’s Parents |
Traces of Humanity |
Your Bird Could Not Be Completed |
A World Run Dry |
Titles |
Sophie: Stirred from Detachment |
Check the save point in Region 13 for the Sophie’s Parents skit and then head to the southeast to reach the Secret Fort discovery, where you can now get the skit Traces of Humanity since Emeraude is in the party. You can now backtrack and head north to enter Region 66.
Watch the two skits in Region 13, one of which is the discovery skit you couldn’t get earlier.
Head to the save point for the Your Bird Could Not Be Completed skit and then follow the path, getting any sparkling points for the Magic Carta No. 28, until you reach a split. Take the north path first for Life Bottle x2 and Ancient Cloth and then return to the intersection and head east, grabbing an Elixir as you pass.
At the next split, head north to check both branches for an Amazing Bone, Natto, and Emperor’s Claw and then backtrack to head all the way east for Rice x2, the Unsettling Garden discovery, a Lump of Clay, and the A World Run Dry skit.
Grab the treasures to the north and then continue east for a discovery and skit about eleth.
Make your way back to the previous intersection and head north this time, following the path to a star for a scene that grants the Broken Brooch and Sophie’s Stirred from Detachment title and then grab the nearby 4860 Gald in a chest before entering Bathus Citadel.
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