Skits |
A New Kind of Terror |
Show Me Your Resolve! |
Is That All? |
Nothing But Talk |
The Power of Words |
Titles |
Malik: Inveterate Teacher |
Head for the Region 13 zoneline to watch the A New Kind of Terror skit at the save point and then continue toward Telos Astue.
As you head for Telos Astue stop at the save point for the Show Me Your Resolve! skit and a fight with Malik. There are three potential outcomes:
- Lose: Is That All?
- Retry: Nothing But Talk
- Win: The Power of Words and Malik’s Inveterate Teacher title
Note that Malik is much more difficult than the previous fights and one good combo from Malik can destroy you. The danger is magnified by the fact that Malik’s magic is fast and hits hard and if he stuns you, you’re screwed. Even worse, if the Eleth Burst goes off, you’ll be dead from his Mystic Arte. The easiest way to win this battle is to level up your own Eleth Gauge to trigger your Eleth Burst in battle and go all out.
Avoid Malik’s ranged attacks and spells by being aggressive at close range.
Watch the Someone Has a Secret skit at the save point on the 1F of Telos Astue and then head to the Shuttle Bay, via B1, for a scene.
Head back to where you first met Emeraude to talk to Psi and then head back outside to check the star to the right of the Shuttle Bay steps for a scene and a fight, gaining the Replacement Part. You can now turn this in at the Telos Astue Inn for a scene to receive the Epic Neck item. You can now talk to the smiley-faced girl on the east side of town and then go to the 2F Records Room for a scene at the star to receive a Memory Core.
There are two small sidequests you can complete now, so make sure to talk to the NPCs.
Once you’re ready you can return to the Shuttle Bay to return to Ephinea, but not that you will not be able to leave the Cocoon once you are inside. This is a point of no return for quite a while.
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