The desert is usually diligent about burying its secrets, but when the sands aren’t proving expedient enough, some good old-fashioned legwork might be required to find and bury that which is best off hidden from the light of day. This page will provide a walkthrough for the quest Tradition’s Toll in Path of Exile 2, including info on where to find the Fallen Dekhara in Deshar.
Page Breakdown¶
Quick Search |
Starting Tradition’s Toll |
Find Lailuma’s Body |
Starting Tradition’s Toll¶
After passing through The Halani Gates and fighting Jamanra the Risen King you’ll be tasked with seeking out three components required to recreate the Horn of the Vastiri, which can dispel the sandstorm blocking the path forward. Recreating this horn is the subject of three different main quests: A Theft of Ivory, The City of Seven Waters and A Crown of Stone. Once you assemble all those, blow the horn to clear the sandstorm and progress until you reach Deshar. Travel to Deshar and you’ll find an Abandoned Rhoa near the waypoint, just off from the ramp to The Ardura Caravan. Examine this creature, then return to The Ardura Caravan and talk to Shambrin, who will give you this quest.
(1 of 2) Recreate the Horn of the Vastiri to clear the sandstorm,
Recreate the Horn of the Vastiri to clear the sandstorm, (left), and find the body of a Fallen Dekhama in Deshar. (right)
Find Lailuma’s Body¶
Your goal in this quest is to find Lailuma’s body somewhere in Deshar - she apparently rode in on her Rhoa and never left, so it’s less of a matter of whether she died or not and more of a matter of where she fell. Unfortunately, like many thing in Path of Exile 2, the location of Lailuma’s body is random - you’ll just have to scour the area and disperse the fog of war until you find it. On the plus side, her corpse will be marked by green “Fallen Dekhama” text, which should contrast with the desert sand nicely, and since green is generally reserved for important drops, it should catch your attention.
(1 of 2) On this body you’ll find a “Final Letter”.
On this body you’ll find a “Final Letter”. (left), Take the letter back to Shambrin to obtain a Book of Specialisation in return. (right)
Examine the corpse and you’ll find a Final Letter. With this in hand, all you need to do to complete the quest is report back into Shambrin, who will generously reward you with a Book of Specialisation - a pretty hefty boon for a fetch quest!
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