This quest can be acquired from Loud-Hammer, a smith in the town of Cierzo. To complete the quest you will need to have Loud-Hammer craft you three pieces of Blue Sand Armour. The required crafting materials and the specifications of each armour piece are detailed below.
Blue Sand Helm¶
Cost: 250 silver and 3x Blue Sand¶
- Protection: 2
- Resistances: 14 Physical, 25 Fire, 25 Cold
- Impact Resistance: 11
- Mana cost: 10%
- Stamina cost: 4%
- Movement Speed: -4%
- Durability: 350
- Weight: 5
Blue Sand Armour¶
Cost: 400 silver and 5x Blue Sand¶
- Protection: 3
- Resistances: 20 Physical, 25 Lightning, 25 Poison
- Impact Resistance: 19
- Hot Weather Defence: -10
- Stamina cost: 6%
- Movement Speed: -6%
- Durability: 350
- Weight: 15
Blue Sand Boots¶
Cost: 200 silver and 2x Blue Sand¶
- Protection: 2
- Resistances: 14 Physical, 25 Ethereal
- Impact Resistance: 11
- Stamina cost: 4%
- Movement Speed: -4%
- Durability: 350
- Weight: 9
The silver can be acquired throughout the game while exploring, crafting, defeating enemies and completing quests. Blue Sand is somewhat rarer. However, there is one place where you can find it with some reliability; Starfish Cave. This cave is located on the beach directly south of Cierzo. The beach itself will contain some Blue Sand, but if you enter the cave between the hours of 10:00PM and 4:59AM you will be able to access a part of it which contains at least three spawn points on a consistent basis. If you enter the cave outside of these times, the surface will be inaccessible due to flooding. Once you have looted the beach and the cave, wait a few days for the sand to respawn before you go back. The precise location of the cave is shown below.
(1 of 2) The location of Starfish Cave is marked here by a blue circle at the westernmost beach on the map.
The location of Starfish Cave is marked here by a blue circle at the westernmost beach on the map. (left), The cave as it appears from the entrance. You will need to head a little east from the beachfront to see it. (right)
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