This quest can be obtained from Helmi the Alchemist, located in the town centre of Cierzo. Helmi will ask you to craft some Crystal Powder by using an alchemy kit. To do this you will need to find four mana stones. Mana stones can be found throughout the world, but in the starting region of Cheresone they are most commonly found within and around Conflux Mountain. Alternatively, you can find them in the nearby Blister Burrow. Aside from these locations,, you may acquire mana stones as a random drop in loot from specific enemies, particularly troglodytes.
(1 of 2) The location of Blister Burrow (marked here by a red triangle to the north) in relation to Cierzo.
The location of Blister Burrow (marked here by a red triangle to the north) in relation to Cierzo. (left), The location of Conflux Mountain in relation to Cierzo. (right)
Once you have four mana stones, you will need to combine them using an alchemy kit over a campfire. Select the alchemy kit from your inventory and place it over the campfire. You can now use the alchemy kit and fill in each blank item space with a mana stone. When you’ve crafted your first crystal powder the recipe will become known to you in your craft panel.
Combine four mana stones in the crafting panel and execute the craft action to learn the recipe.
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