Speaking to Garrus unlocks his Proximity Mine skill provided you’ve diligently spoken to him between missions (right) as well as Liara’s Stasis skill (left).
If you’ve downloaded the ‘From the Ashes’ DLC, then head to where your friend is on the Engineering deck and you’ll encounter a special heated argument between him and Liara. You can earn Paragon or Renegade points here depending on your choice of answers.
EDI’s Defense Matrix skill (left) can be unlocked and you can also visit Traynor for another N7 mission (right).
Also, go and speak with her in her room (especially if she’s your chosen love interest); this’ll give you further reputation points and if you get the Paragon interrupt in time, you’ll also unlock her Stasis power for use if you add it in the med bay.
Also speak to Traynor and she’ll unlock the last N7 mission for you: N7: Communication Hub . Chatting to Garrus in the engine room will allow you to unlock his Proximity Mine skill for use if you want it. Finally, speaking with EDI in the cockpit will unlock her power for you to use in battle: Defense Matrix .
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