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Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

Citadel Side Missions (Act 2 Part 2)

Claire Farnworth
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Citadel: Chemical Treatment

The chemical treatment plans can be found during the mission N7: Fuel Reactors; they’re sitting near the very beginning of the map on a crate (on the left side, not too far from the woman overlooking the ramp leading down overlooking the main reactor area). Take this back to the doctor in the medical bay of the Citadel for 30 XP, 1,000 Credits and improvements to your War Assets - Alliance First Fleet .

Collect the Chemical Treatment Plans during the mission N7: Fuel Reactors.

Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives

Enter the Paz solar system (found in the Valhallan Threshold galaxy) and scan the planet Garvug for the artifact Prothean Data Drives . Take these back to the officer in the Citadel docking bay for +5 Reputation and 15,000 Credits.

Citadel: Inspirational Stories

You can do this all very quickly and easily as you’re already in the right place. Look for markers indicating ‘photo opportunities’ and press the action button. There’s one beside the two people grieving by the pictures on the wall, the next one is in bay E24 overlooking the crates at the woman standing up and the third is in the middle set of containers with the woman laying on the bed. Take this back to the Salarian for +5 Reputation Points, 210 XP and 5,000 Credits .

Look for the “Photo Opportunities” for this mission.

Citadel: Medical Supplies

After speaking with the Doctor on the med bay of the Normandy, head to the Citadel and go to the refugee area. Near where the patients are all spread out is a Turian known as Tactus. Speak to him and if your reputation points are high enough, you’ll be given a conversation option that allows you to persuade him to do the trade.

Citadel: Volus Ambassador

After instigating this mission via the Spectre terminal, speak with the Turian guard overlooking the office space to the left of the embassy elevator. Get him to let you inside and listen to entry three on the terminal. Turn around and grab the bug from under the table.

When you reappear in the commons, hang a right and then take a right to the stairs. Now go up the left set and open the orange door lock at the end. You now have a choice to make: you can either save a colony or take a bombing fleet for your war assets (but you can’t **** have both). The colony will earn Paragon points, taking the fleet will earn you Renegade points. You’ll also bag 210 XP, 5,000 Credits and either +7 Paragon or Renegade points (and the bombing fleet if you chose that option).

Citadel: Medi-Gel Sabotage

In the refugee area, look for the doctor overlooking the patients in between the first set of containers; you need to go to each of the three Medical Stations further up this docking area individually until you’re prompted to go back to the doctor. You’ll be rewarded with a quick and easy +5 Reputation points, 210 XP and 5,000 Credits . Easy money.

Citadel: Asari Widow

During the Mesana: Distress Signal side-mission a few doors in from the start, there’s a body laying on the ground to your right (with a green door on your left). Search the PDA for the message to the widow on the Citadel. Now head to the commons and look for the Asari overlooking the water; speak to her to complete this mission. Your reward is 90 XP and +5 Reputation points .

Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil

In the Argus Rho galaxy, scan the planet Intai’sei in the Phoenix solar system for the fossil. Take it back to the Salarian scientist located up the stairs (out of the way) in Presidium Commons (near the broken advert screens). Your reward will be 15,000 Credits and an improved War Asset - Krogan Clans .

Dekunna: Code of the Ancients

In the Silean Nebula, head into the Phontes ** solar system and scan the planet Dekunna ** to reveal a hidden asset there and on the neighbouring planet Oltan . Dekunna holds the Artifact: Code of the Ancients . Take this back to the Elcor who’s standing outside the entrance to the Purgatory Bar in the Citadel for +5 Reputation points and 15,000 Credits .

Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza

The solar system Hoplos in the Hades Nexus has a couple of secrets to share with you. Scan the tiny planet Kopis where you can probe the surface for The Obelisk of Karza. Take it back to the Citadel and return it to the human researcher sitting near the cafe in the Presidium Commons for 15,000 Credits and +5 Reputation points.

Dekunna: Elcor Extraction

Speak with the Elcor located on the Embassies floor (take a right after exiting the lifts). Head back to the Silean Nebula , into the Phontes ** solar system and scan the plane Oltan . Now return back to the ambassador to complete this side mission. You’ll get 120 XP and +5 Reputation points **** for your efforts.

Speak to the Elcor in the Embassies for this mission.

Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere

By scanning the planet Gei Hinnom in the Sheol system, you can collect the Prothean Sphere Artifact . Take this back to the Citadel, head to the refugee camp in the holding bay and speak to the guy chatting to the guard at the very back of the room. You’ll be rewarded with 15,000 Credits and +5 Reputation points for your troubles.

Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers

Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune

Scanning the planet Nevos in the Teyola solar system in the Silean Nebula will reveal the Rings of Alune artifact. Take it back to the Asari located on the right of the elevator in the medical wing of the Citadel. You’ll get reputation points and 15,000 Credits .

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, Wii U, XB 360
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release
    13 May 2021
  • Last Updated
    15 June 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Andrew Mills, Claire Farnworth

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For years, a lone soldier has told tales of the Reapers, of their return, of these sentient machines reaching out across the vastness of space, to harvest all sentient life. But the warnings were all for nothing. Until now. The Reapers have at last come to Earth and these warnings can no longer be ignored. You are Commander Shepard, the first human spectre and elite soldier of the Alliance, tasked with uniting the galaxy in the fight to stop the Reapers destroying everything you hold dear. In your hands lies the fate of the entire Milky Way but luckily, this time, you are no longer alone.

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