This page contains information about the Hades Gamma cluster in Mass Effect 3, particular information about what war assets and resources you can gain by exploring and scanning the systems comprising the Hades Gamma cluster.
One of the systems available to you from the moment you gain control of the Normandy’s movements, you can drop by the Hades Gamma cluster for some quick cash and a few war assets. The numerous wreckages also means this should be a fuel neutral trip, just bypass the wreckage in Antaeus when you first arrive, circle the systems in the cluster clockwise, then finish up by grabbing the fuel you left behind when you return to Antaeus.
There is Reaper presence in the cluster, but all in all, it’s a good first stop if you want to cut your teeth on galaxy exploration.
Points of interest in the Antaeus system.
Point of Interest | Spoils |
Trebin | 10,000 Credits |
Wreckage | 300 fuel |
(1 of 2) Points of interest in the Plutus system.
Points of interest in the Plutus system. (left), Scan the planet Nonuel to find the Special Ops Team Zeta war asset. (right)
Point of Interest | Spoils |
Nonuel | Special Ops Team Zeta (War Asset - 20pts) |
Points of interest in the Dis system.
Point of Interest | Spoils |
Klensal | 10,000 credits |
Wreckage | 200 fuel |
(1 of 2) Points of interest in the Farinata system.
Points of interest in the Farinata system. (left), Scan the planet Juntauma to acquire the Alliance Frigate Agincourt war asset. (right)
Point of Interest | Spoils |
Juntauma | Alliance Frigate Agincourt (War Asset - 15pts) |
Wreckage | 200 fuel |
Points of interest in the Cacus system.
Point of Interest | Spoils |
Chohe | 10,000 credits |
Wreckage | 400 fuel |
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