The Ripper Blades schematic can be found during the Chapter 3 - Course Correction main mission of the Dead Space Remake. We’ll show you the exact location of the schematic on this page.
Ripper Blades Schematic Location¶
The schematic for the Ripper Blades is difficult to miss as you play through the main story of the Dead Space Remake. In Chapter 3 - Course Correction, you’ll reach a point where your main objective becomes to manually ignite the engines in the Fuel Storage section, which is located in the southeast on Floor 5 of Engineering. At this point you need to follow the objective path down as you take the elevator, turn right at the bottom and shoot the Leviathan satchel in front of you.
This will open up the path forward, and you can now make your way directly into the small room to your right. There will most likely be a bunch of Swarmers coming out of this room, so be ready to deal with them first. You can then find the Ripper Blades schematic just to your left as you enter. Now that you have the schematic, you can take it to any store to discover it, and you will be able to buy 3 ammunition for 1,500 Credits. The Ripper Blades are most useful in situations where you’re being overwhelmed by enemies in melee, but they can also be fired at enemies from range using its secondary function.
(1 of 3) The location of Fuel Storage on Floor 5 of Engineering.
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