There are only 4 nodes to be found in the Chapter 1 - New Arrivals mission of the Dead Space 2023 remake. It can be easy to miss any of these as you’re making your way through the area, so we’ll show you how to find all of them on this page.
Dead Space 2023 Remake - All Node Locations in Chapter 1 - New Arrivals¶
It should be noted that you may encounter these nodes in a different order than we did, depending on where you explore first and which objectives you decide to complete first. Of the two main objectives in this chapter - finding the Data Board and repairing the damaged tram - we did the former first.
Node 1 - Maintenance Bay Office¶
You’ll find this node inside the Maintenance Bay Office, which is in the southeastern part of the Maintenance Bay area. The door to the office will be closed at first, so you need to go to the second floor of the Maintenance Bay where you’ll find a Circuit Breaker. Switch the lights off so that you’re only powering the elevators and the Maintenance Room. You can then take the elevator back down and open the door to the office, which is now receiving power. You’ll find the node behind a small cabinet on the wall, as shown below.
(1 of 2) The location of the Maintenance Bay Office in the southeast part of the Maintenance Bay.
The location of the Maintenance Bay Office in the southeast part of the Maintenance Bay. (left), You’ll find the node behind this cabinet on the wall inside the office. (right)
Node 2 - Cargo Hall Storage Room¶
This node can be found inside the Cargo Hall Storage Room, which is just northeast of the Tram Control Room and west of the Maintenance Bay. You’ll need to power the door to the storage room using the Circuit Breaker at the end of the hallway, to the left side of the door. Once inside you’ll see the cabinet on the wall which contains the node.
(1 of 3) The location of the Cargo Hall Storage Room.
Node 3 - Tram Repair Room¶
You can find this node in the Tram Repair Room, which is located in the southeastern part of the Hangar-Cargo-Tram Control map. You’ll find it on the wall to your right in the same type of cabinet as the others.
(1 of 2) The location of the Tram Repair Room in the southeast of the map.
The location of the Tram Repair Room in the southeast of the map. (left), The node can be found inside this cabinet within the Tram Repair Room. (right)
Node 4 - Flight Deck Supply Room¶
The last node is found in the Flight Deck Supply Room, which can be accessed as you’re making your way back to the USG Kellion. As you exit the elevator you’ll encounter a Necromorph in front of you. Take this out first then continue around the hallway to your left. You’ll notice a sign to the room here. Once inside you’ll find the node in a cabinet on the wall.
(1 of 2) The location of the Flight Deck Supply Room.
The location of the Flight Deck Supply Room. (left), You’ll find the node behind a cabinet on the wall in here. (right)
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