The Medium Med Pack schematic can be picked up during the Chapter 3 - Course Corrections main mission of the Dead Space Remake. We’ll show you exactly where to find it on this page.
Medium Med Pack Schematic Location¶
As you’re heading towards the Centrifuge in Chapter 3 - Course Correction, you’ll pass through a decontamination room just north of it. The schematic for the Medium Med Pack is found in the small room just south of this. Unlike most other schematics, you won’t find this one just lying around. Instead, you need to open one of the nearby lockers to find it inside.
(1 of 2) The Medium Med Pack schematic can be found in the room just south of the Decontamination room.
The Medium Med Pack schematic can be found in the room just south of the Decontamination room. (left), You’ll find the schematic for the Medium Med Pack in a locker in this small room. (right)
Once you have the Medium Med Pack schematic, you can take it to any store to discover it there. You can now purchase these med packs for 5,000 credits each, and they’ll restore a significant amount of health whenever you need it in a pinch. If you’ve got a bunch of Small Med Packs in your inventory already, it’s a good idea to use those first so that you can get through them, before you begin to acquire more Medium Med Packs which have more value for the inventory space they take up.
You can purchase Medium Med Packs for 5,000 credits from any store once you have the schematic.
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