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Dead Space Remake

How To Activate The Centrifuge In Dead Space Remake

Matt Chard
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During Chapter 3 of Dead Space Remake, you’ll need to reactivate the Centrifuge. Following the objective will take you to a large room with zero-g enabled. If you haven’t played the game before, or it’s been a long time since you’ve played it, this puzzle can be a problematic task that may have you racking your brains for the answer. Thankfully, we will guide you through it step-by-step including how to get out safely.

The Centrifuge is an infamous puzzle of Dead Space.

How To Activate The Centrifuge In Dead Space Remake

The Centrifuge is the large contraption in the center of the room, and to bring it back online you’ll need to attach both Clutch Generator Modules to the Centrifuge. These can be moved by using the Kinesis Module you picked up at the start of Chapter 2, and it can be activated by aiming with the DualSense-L2-Filled on PlayStation or the Xbox-TriggerLeft-Filled on the Xbox. Now you’ll need to press DualSense-ButtonCircle-Filled on the PlayStation or the Xbox-ButtonB-Filled on the Xbox.

(1 of 2) Pull the Clutch Generator Module right with Kinesis then use Stasis before placing it into the Centrifuge.

Pull the Clutch Generator Module right with Kinesis then use Stasis before placing it into the Centrifuge. (left), Pull the Clutch Generator Module left with Kinesis then use Stasis before placing it into the Centrifuge. (right)

Once you have used Kinesis on the Clutch Generator Module you’ll need to pull it toward the Centrifuge. If you put it straight in, however, you’ll get a few sparks, and the Centrifuge will spit it back out. The goal is to bring the Clutch Generator Module near the centrifuge before you hit it with Stasis. You can accomplish this by holding down the aim button, and pressing DualSense-ButtonTriangle-Filled on the PlayStation or Xbox-ButtonY-Filled on the Xbox. If you run low on Stasis, there is a refueling station near the door leading to the elevator shaft.

This will slow down time allowing the Clutch Generator Module to fit into the Centrifuge snugly with no issues. Repeat the same process for the second Clutch Generator Module on the opposite side, but be careful of the couple of Necromorphs in there who will jump at you if you’re near enough to them. Thankfully a simple Pulse Gun Proximity Mine should make short work of them.

The console to activate the Centrifuge can be found attached to the walkway opposite the O2 dispenser.

When the centrifuge has been connected to both of the Clutch Module Generators, you will need to activate the centrifuge. Head back to where you came in, and the console will be attached to the balcony opposite the O2 dispenser. The puzzle may be finished, but now you have to get out of there in one piece! Because the Centrifuge is back online, the Clutch Generator Modules attached to it are spinning around the room, and your way out involves you getting past them. The timing is tight, and a Necromorph will try to slow you down in an endeavor to get you hit by the spinning modules (it worked against me). On top of this, you’ll be losing O2.

(1 of 2) As you make your way out of the room, use the small rooms to avoid the rotating Clutch Generator Modules.

As you make your way out of the room, use the small rooms to avoid the rotating Clutch Generator Modules. (left), Stay in the room until the module passes then sprint to the next room. (right)

Replenish any lost O2 with the dispenser behind you and go down the elevator which is through the door next to it. Now you’ll be on the walkway with the modules zooming past you every couple of seconds. Thankfully, the walkway has few areas to avoid them. Wait for the first module to pass and then immediately run to the small room to your left. Once again, wait for the module to pass, and run forward a little to bait out the Necromorph. Run back to the previous area and wait for it to approach you. When it gets to you, either gun it down or the more fun method, melee it into the module. With the Necromorph no longer a problem, wait for the module to pass you, and run to the next small area to your left.

(1 of 2) While you avoid the rotating modules, Necromorphs will attempt to hinder you. Thankfully, a well-timed melee punch can knock them into the passing modules.

While you avoid the rotating modules, Necromorphs will attempt to hinder you. Thankfully, a well-timed melee punch can knock them into the passing modules. (left), In the small room with the O2 dispenser, a Necromorph will crash through the ceiling as you approach the dispenser. (right)

This area has an O2 dispenser, but be careful as when you approach it, a Necromorph will drop from the ceiling, defeat it, and replenish your O2. When the module passes, make another mad dash to the next area where you can take the elevator up. At the top of the elevator, head out of the room and make a dash to the room on your right ignoring the Necromorph. This will lead you out of the Centrifuge room where you’ll eventually get your O2 back, and more importantly, a Save Point. This is the conclusion of the centrifuge puzzle.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Survival Horror
  • Guide Release
    24 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    15 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Dead Space is a third-person survival horror game originally released in 2008. The game follows the story of Isaac Clarke, an engineer who is sent to repair the USG Ishimura, a mining ship that has gone silent. When Isaac arrives, he discovers that the ship has been overrun by a hostile alien species known as the Necromorphs. Isaac must fight his way through the ship’s crew and the Necromorphs to uncover the truth behind the outbreak and escape the Ishimura alive.

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