Mission Details |
**Available** : Complete Lost Legion Invasion **Location** : Janey Springs (Serenity’s Waste) **Rewards** : XP 160, 11 dollars, Sniper Rifle |
It appears that Janey wrote some children’s books, but seems to have lost them. She wants you to go get them, so exit via the “door” by Janey and go straight to the land’s edge. You will notice that the first book is hanging from a piece of debris that’s hanging off the ledge.
To get it, drop down to the area below and you’ll see some rocks covering an air vent. This air vent will launch you into the air, so you can use that to reach the book. Just make sure you don’t use your air boost until after grabbing the book, as this will allow you to move back to safe ground.
Shoot the rock covering the vent, then use it to launch yourself up to grab the ECHO.
After some “sound advice,” Janey says the next one is at her old camp, which was overrun by Kraggons. Luckily, it’s very close, so use the vent to get back up to the upper area, then go to the waypoint to find some Kraggons. Kill them, pull the switch to open the door and grab the second book.
It seems that the Son of Flamey is still around and Janey wants you to kill him. Head to the marker and he’ll jump down off the ledge above. He’s more or less a normal Kraggon, so there’s nothing to worry about. Kill him and then the Grandsons of Flamey that appear, then go retrieve the final book. Return to Janey to finish the mission.
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