Mission Details |
**Rewards:** 107, 22 dollars, Shield |
The game will begin with you on the floor and woken up by a Claptrap unit, who hands you your ECHO device. It wants you to follow it, so do that until you get to a door that it has to open. As you go into the next room, you’ll be greeted by some enemies, who appear on your mini-map as red spots.
Take them out and some more will show up on the right side of the room. Kill them and then go to the next door where the Claptrap is. When it opens the door, it will be killed by a few enemies, so make sure you quickly take them out and move into the room beyond to initiate a short scene that introduces Jack.
To revive Jack, simply go back to his body and press/hold the button shown. Note that this also extends to co-op partners who happen to be downed.
Unfortunately, Jack gets ambushed by a bunch of Lost Legion enemies and ends up on the ground. So, it is your duty to clear the room and as you get closer to Jack, a ship will come by and drop off more enemies. Finish them off and go revive Jack, finishing your first mission.
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