In this level, you’ll have to avoid the rising lava. Areas that are green are above the lava level and are safe, so when the lava does rise, make your way to a green platform. Dodge the Parabones and you will come to a long ?-Block, which contains a power-up (Boomerang Flower). This will come in handy in a little bit, so continue on until you reach a large platform. Here, some Splorches will hop out of the lava and try to make contact with you. Unfortunately, even if you knock them back in the lava with the boomerang, they will keep coming; make sure you do not touch the lava they leave behind, either.
To the north of this platform, you should see Green Star #1 in the air, off the side of the edge. Now, you will need to wait for the lava to subside, then quickly dart across the floor, reaching the far north side, where a Green Star Ring is waiting for you. Splorches will annoy you here while grabbing the coins, but if you need to take a hit in order to get a green coin, do so and collect Green Star #2 after securing all eight. Take the clear pipe at the end to arrive at the Checkpoint Flag.
You can see the third Green Star across the way, so don’t forget where it’s at. Head to the backside of the floor, moving when the lava recedes to a power-up from one of the ?-Blocks. Wait for the lava to recede again, then jump down under the grates for the Stamp, quickly making your way back up before the lava rises. Cross onto the next platform then turn your camera so you can see the grates leading to Green Star #3, which is normally difficult to see if you don’t turn the camera. From here, it’s a dash past Charvaarghs leaping across the bridge, although they can’t hurt you if you keep moving.
Jump up the stairs at the end, then be watchful of the lava geyser at the final jump to the Goal Pole.
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