The Brolder blockade is back, although it is with Boss Brolder this time, instead of just normal Brolders. In addition to Boss Brolder, you will also have to deal with Splorches during your fight with it. If you don’t remember how to fight Boss Brolder, it will either spin around and try to drop boulders on you, or it will summon ordinary Brolders. You will hit those Brolders, then pick them up and toss them at the boss to deal damage to it.
The addition of the Splorches can make the arena quite crowded
Of course, the arena can kind of get crowded a bit, what with the Boss Brolder itself, as well as ordinary Brolders and two Splorches. Simply touching the Splorches will usually hurt you, so it’s in your best interest to just ignore them and stay out of their way, as well as not touch the lava they leave behind. Other than that, the battle is the exact same as during Lava Rock Lair. Hit Boss Brolder three times and you will net yourself another Green Star.
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