The remix of this stage will have you dealing with Ty-Foos on the ships, so you will need to be careful not to get blown off of them. Take the Warp Box at the beginning to the first ship, where you have a spiked roller, Octoomba, and a Ty-Foo. There is also a Green Star Ring here, so collect all of the coins to get Green Star #1. Jump up to the upper portion and use the Warp Box to get to the second ship, where you will need to be careful with the Ty-Foos. There will also be some Bullies here, making it more dangerous, especially if they happen to knock you back into the gusts of wind.
(1 of 2) Collect the coins on the first ship for the first Green Star
Collect the coins on the first ship for the first Green Star (left), You can find the second Green Star at the end of the second ship (right)
However, there is a Mega Mushroom in one of the ?-Blocks here, meaning you will not be blown away, so use that to bypass everything. When you get to the Warp Box, ignore it and walk the nearby planks to find Green Star #2. As you head into the next area, you will find another Mega Mushroom from the ?-Block right there, which will be helpful in avoiding the Ty-Foos on the planks. In the air, above the one spot on the planks, will be Green Star #3. You seem to need the Mega Mushroom in order to reach it, so quickly move to that spot to get it before the mushroom wears off.
The third Green Star is in the air in the big plank section
There will be another Mega Mushroom in the ?-Block on the final ship, which you will want to get rid of the mass of Bullies while avoiding the Ty-Foos’ gusts. Once you knock off all of the Bullies, a Warp Box will appear, so take it to appear in the Goal Pole area.
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