The rematch against Motley Bossblob is pretty much similar to the first bout, except there is one big change. Whenever Motley slams the ground, he will send out a shockwave, making this fight much more difficult. Luckily, the shockwaves don’t extend to the entire arena, but since there will many shockwaves out at once, it can get hectic. Other than that change, the battle with Bossblob remains the same.
A shockwave will be sent out every time Motley hits the ground
He will bounce around the room, then finish with a larger splash that will separate him from all of the little blobs. After doing this, he is vulnerable to damage, so your goal is to jump on top of his head, although he will run away once he is exposed. After the first hit, Motley will do more smaller bounces before the big splash. Note that every time he breaks up, there will be a Double Cherry. Deal three hits to the boss, collect the Green Star, and finish the level.
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