Like the previous Mystery House, you’ll need collect all the Green Stars in a single run and there’s a whopping 10 of them to collect. Unlike the previous one, though, the Green Stars are already on the map and you simply need to navigate the obstacles to reach them before the time limit expires in each trial.
- Green Star #1 - Run up the cliffs using the Jump Panels, then spring into the Green Star.
- Green Star #2 - Race through the Horned Ant Troopers on the ledge.
- Green Star #3 - Run towards the screen, avoiding the crates and the Banzai Bill coming after you.
- Green Star #4 - Spikes stand along the left and right edges tossing rollers, just dash through the middle and leap over the rollers.
- Green Star #5 - This is a winding path, but you can simply hold the dash button and go straight, jumping over the gaps. This is easier than trying to navigate the winding path.
(1 of 2) You can simply jump over the gaps instead of taking the winding path
You can simply jump over the gaps instead of taking the winding path (left), which also holds true for the horizontal one later (right)
- Green Star #6 - Simply take the Dash Panel and don’t stop running at all. The Thwomps will barely miss the entire way.
- Green Star #7 - Time your jumps on the swinging platforms and make a leap at the end to the Green Star.
- Green Star #8 - This is a straight forward run past some Goombas. Bounce off their heads if you need to.
- Green Star #9 - Another winding path, but this time Cat Bullet Bills track you down. Use long jumps to reach the Green Star the fastest, but you can dash the whole way and still make it too.
- Green Star #10 - You have to cross Donut Blocks, with Spikes tossing spiked rollers from the other side. The Green Star will be behind the Spikes.
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